Think you know more about science?
Step aside, lightweight. Creation Scientist not only have the feeble facts of man, we don the armor of GOD and have the sword of THE WORD. This makes our facts flawless and our logic immune to scrutiny. I'll explain your questions, using nothing more than the Holy Spirit's inspiration.
Fine. Explain string theory, including all mathematical equations, and then provide evidence for and against it.
All matter is made from vibrating "energy," known as string. This "energy" is electromagnetic force, which is known in layman's terms as "light." Now, in the Bible, we are told that THE LORD said "Let there be light." Many times atheists like to say that there couldn't be light without the sun, but as it turns out - when THE LORD said there was light, he was talking about string! And so the first thing he did was create "energy," which ultimately makes up the subatomic particles - which make up matter. The math for it is ONE - one true God.
Easy stuff for creationists, too hard for moron athiests. Even mentally retarded people can understand theoretical physics if viewed through the lens of the Lamb of God.
Explain, in detail, why time appears to slow down to an outside observer when an object approaches a black hole.
A black hole occurs when gravitational force is greater than electromagnetic force, which results in electromagnetic forces being unable to escape. This creates a space devoid of light. Now we know that there is no such thing as "darkness," there is only an absence of light. Light is equated with THE LORD and darkness is equated with the Evil One. So, in a black hole, there is a strong presence of evil, which is the lack of good. In these spots, as you approach the center of gravity, you start to approach an infinite amount of demons. Time cannot travel through demons, only around demons. So time has to slow in order to travel around demons. In the center of a black hole, where the number of demons approaches infinity, time continuely travels around the demons - creating a virtual time stand still.
And while you're at it, you may as well provide us with a definitive answer letting us know the exact science behind aging. You ARE a superior scientist after all, right?
Fall of man, introduces death into the universe.
Oh, and you're not allowed to use your bible to answer any of this. Good luck.
We're waiting for your explanations, oh glorious creation scientist. Bestow upon us your wisdom.
Done. Would you care to stop the raging and start the praising?