DROzone #fundie dailykos.com

A team of Democratic voters can be built without deliberately taunting and alienating other voters. If the Democratic Party engages in bullying behavior, then the party just becomes what it says it abhors. It is always tricky to avoid becoming like the opposition, but it is better to strive for that and stay true to your values rather giving into the opposition’s. I am not talking about going high when they go low, either. I am talking about punching up rather than downward. One of the things that always attracted me to the Democratic Party was that it was supposed to be the party of the little guy whereas the Republicans were constantly abusing the little guy. If Democrats end up being the party that abuses the little guy because Trump, then we’ve lost our way, imo.

The bullied cannot become the bully. We are the victims, not them. We are fighting back.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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