Pastor Max says that even if it is not in the Bible, pious and religious women should wear a white veil over our heads and use white linen pads instead of tampons.
He says that Jesus would not approve of women wearing tampons. If He did He would have said so.
I don't recall Jesus saying anything regarding sanitary napkins either.
Of course, since Jesus was a man, like pastor Max, women should pretty much ignore any stupid thing they have to say on the subject.
Well, Jezus never said flying was ok, or driving a car, or a bike ... or the tube, or reading a book (even the bible) under an electric lightbulb.
I even doubt if Jesus ever specifically said breathing was ok .....
Do you see where I'm going with this ?
Yes ? ..., well then .... read this very carefully:
edit: reading the rest of the thread .... I call Poe on Mary from LA
. If He did He would have said so.
So, basically, breathing is a bad thing, because Jesus didn't say he approved of breathing.
If Jesus had said so, wouldn't it be in your bible?
Pastor Max needs to pull his head out of his ass.
Sorry, MEN have absolutely no say in what women do with their bodies, or how we deal with our monthly flow.
Any man who thinks he can (or should) have a say just needs to be beaten with a handy blunt object.
"If He did He would have said so."
But you just said that he said the veil wasn't in the babble. If Jesus wanted you to wear one, he would have said so. In fact, I don't recall Jesus telling women to wear anything at all. Does that mean that pious women should walk around naked?
Yes, I think that sounds delightful.
"11 And he saideth unto Mary, wear no clothes thou, and no sanitary napkins, either. 12 Walk as the Lord hath made thee and be glad! 13 And the men of Judah were overjoyed and sang their praises to the Lord."
I Reprobates: 11-13
He says that Jesus would not approve of women wearing tampons. If He did He would have said so.
Jesus would not approve of humans using cars, planes and computers. If He did He would have said so.
"He says that Jesus would not approve of women wearing tampons. If He did He would have said so. "
Funny thing about that: Jesus never said anything about ANY modern convenience. Primarily because THEY HADN'T BEEN INVENTED YET, so the goat herders who wrote the bible COULDN'T have Jesus say anything about them.
Well, your a right evil beggar, Pastor Max. Trying to pass your crazy and idiotic fixations off as originating with Jesus. Using Christianity as a way of justifying your obsessions. Passing the buck to Jesus? You're an irresponsible nincompoop and lack the courage of your convictions.
Jesus never mentioned his approval of hot air ballooning, either.
JohnnyTruant: Have you SEEN redneck fundie christians?! Margaret the God Warrior, of Internet and Wife Swap fame springs to mind. Nudity is not a pleasant thought.
"He says that Jesus would not approve of women wearing tampons. If He did He would have said so."
By that logic Jesus would not approve of cars, or TV's, or the internet. Afterall, if those things were okay, he would have said so.
"Pastor Max says...."
That is where you are begining to go into fundiedom.
If Pastor Max said for you to jump of a clif or an overpass to test you faith in whether Jesus would save you from death would you do it? I mean seriously, would you really do it?
Also, as far as I can remember Pastor Max is not Jesus Christ's offical spokesperson, nor does he tell of prophecies that have came to pass either. So in other words, don't follow what he is telling you as though he is Jesus.
Does Pastor Max always refer to himself in the third person?
And frankly, I don't think Jesus cared what women used for menstruation. He doesn't even address the topic at all, IIRC.
Anyway, why would you expect him to say anything on the topic? Are you seriously so hopeless that you have to take dictation from a dead guy on how to live every single aspect of your daily life?
Creepy thought: How is Pastor Max gonna know? Is he going to go around and check?? ><
I say that Jesus would not approve of you <verb> <noun>. If He did, He would have said so.
You using the internet.
You speaking English.
You reading.
You breathing.
You owning pets.
There are a lot of things Jesus didn't explicitly allow you to do.
This is why I am glad I am not Catholic. I've concluded that just about everything is a "mortal sin" with those people.
Edit, misread "Christian" as "Catholic" but my comment still stands.
"even if it is not in the Bible, pious and religious women should wear [item 1]"
"He says that Jesus would not approve of women wearing [item 2]. If He did He would have said so."
Jesus does not approve of men driving cars or motorcycles. If He did, He would have said so.
When you start to bleed uncontrolably for about a week every month, Maxie, then you can try to stop that with linen pads, you misogyinistic twerp. Meanwhile, we women will use whatever the hell we want, m'kay. Linen was probably the best thing there was, two thousand years ago, but things have happened since then. We now have tampons and ultra-thin pads of man-made materials, that actually stops the blood from staining everything in sight.
Ya ever stop to think that tampons hadn't been invented back when the bible was written? And WTF does it matter to you if women use tampons or sanitary napkins? Unless you're a woman you don't have any say in what they use. And to most people, menstruation is anything but sexual, so it makes me wonder about Christians who think that tampons are "sinful."
And why the hell should any religious woman wear a veil over their head if it doesn't say to in the bible? Are you jealous of Muslim men who keep their women covered up?
The girl is probably a troll. Later on the thread she says that her pastor(why bother mentioning his name, anyway)says that the computer is the mark of the Beast but that she disobeys him anyway. Even if she´s a 16 years old idiot who can´t think for herself, she knows she´s compromising the teachings of the said pastor and that posting it, in the first place, is not very wise.
Quoting: #992986
So obviously Jesus is not against gays. If he were he would have said so.
--Actually, He did. Vehemently, and more than once. Actually, technically he's against the sin, but still loves the people. As am I, as a Christian with a couple of gay best friends. (I'll probably catch a lot of flak for that but I don't care.)
I do not, however, recall anything about God caring what women use to stop their periods from bleeding all over everything. :p Obviously someone gets too much phallic imagery thinking about such things.
@ Anonymous
Kindly show me one passage, just one, where Jesus specifically mentions homosexuals. Since, according to you, he opposed them "vehemently" and "more than once" it should be easy. And please don't use the "Jesus speaking through Paul" cop out because Jesus told me that Paul was a big fat liar.
Oh, and for future reference, it doesn't make your lot seem any less homophobic when you say, "some of my best friends are gays."
If Jesus had wanted men to wear pants, use firearms, and post their retarded drivel on the internet, he would have said so.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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