But I will tell you this, again: american socialist liberals have NO-right,
to change the USA-constitution, according to utterly selfish whims, including the complete annihilation of humanity, Satan's ultimate aim. - He, & they, have already lost! - tho in the meantime, billions more will perish. - How God can have mercy upon devilish souls, is quite frankly no small miracle.
--- "But I will tell you this, again: american socialist liberals have NO-right,
to change the USA-constitution, according to utterly selfish whims..." ---
Oh, the irony! It burns!
But I will tell you this, again: american abolitionists have NO-right,
to change the USA-constitution, according to utterly selfish whims, including the complete annihilation of humanity, Satan's ultimate aim. - He, & they, have already lost! - tho in the meantime, billions more will perish. - How God can have mercy upon devilish souls, is quite frankly no small miracle.
"...change the USA-constitution, according to utterly selfish whims, including the complete annihilation of humanity..."
Oh right! I remember reading that proposed amendment to the Constitution! No. Wait. I didn't.
"But I will tell you this, again: american socialist liberals have NO-right,
to change the USA-constitution..."
They have just as much right as right-wing Republican Christian conservatives do.
You need to go back to school and take a class on U.S. government.
This sounds so much more authentic when translated into its original fundie gibberish:
Commie librul Homo Nazis R baaaaad! Dey are liek teh Debbil! We will win, but billions will die! God is good!
They're part of The People, aren't they?
And I thought it was you fundies who wanted to the Rapture to come right now (as in, the annihilation of human beings).
Rev. Dread, are you serious? What about Prohibition? Do you consider that a "freedom?" And even if you are crazy enough to believe that outlawing alcohol constitutes a "freedom," you then must believe that the amendment which repealed Prohibition took that freedom away. Either way, there is no escape for you. Amendments can and have historically restricted freedom.
You have socialist liberals? Huh? We only have right-wing liberals.
We also have right-wing Christian Democrats and even more right-wing conservatives, middle of the spectrum environmentalists, left-wing socialists, left-wing communists, and a few other political parties as well...
What are your socialist liberals doing to the constitution? Do they want to include that all humans are equal, and each have the same rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Stupid them! How can they? When we all know that only white property-owning men are created equal, and they are the only ones who have the right to health care and education.
Actually, it's the right-wing retards who keep trying to change, or circumvent, the US Constitution (warrant-less wiretaps, anyone?).
The liberals are trying to defend it from fuckwits like you.
You mean changes like adding the fundies favorite Amendment that they use as justification to fill their homes with unsecured firearms that any burglar can grab or, even worse, their children can play with until someone gets shot? Surely they must know that the idea of an armed citizenry was radically liberal at the time the Constitution was adopted.
Actually, I've never heard a "liberal" propose changing the Constitution in any fundamental way. The retarded freaks who now call themselves "conservative", on the other hand, seem to simply ignore the parts they don't like. It's the same approach that they take with the Buybull. The stuff that justifies their insanity is continually spouted at those who know better while the stuff that tells them they will go to Hell if they're dicks is treated like it doesn't exist.
I read a little bit of that thread and have no idea where she got the changing the Constitution thing from. Sk8Joyful sounds like one of those crazed TeaBaggers who thinks she should never have to pay taxes and that the United States should not have publicly funded anything: education, health care, roads, etc. Those are the people trying to destroy society, not liberals.
"But I will tell you this, again: american socialist liberals have NO-right,
to change the USA-constitution, according to utterly selfish whims"
But you American Capitalist Fascists do and can , amirite?
Thanks for finally admitting your real intent, and exposing your true colours & ultimately proving your more than infinite evil, all you right-wing Fundamentalist Christians.
Prove the superiority of Left-wing Atheism, much?
They do, actually, have a right to change the US Constitution. Not directly of course, but you get the idea. Actually, probably not. Retard.
Now repeat after me: "The United States is not the whole world. The Unites States is not the whole world." Continue with that - make it your mantra. Write it out five hundred times. Hopefully sooner or later it will sink in.
@Reckoner: But of course - "society" is clearly a socialist concept - just look at the name, they're obviously related.
American Fundy Christians have NO-right,
to change the USA-constitution, according to utterly selfish whims.
Oh wait, I forgot! To fundy asswipes, that doesn't apply to them - they're changing the Constitution to reflect their exclusionist, 'Biblical' mindset - one that justifies murder/harassment/persecution of those who disagree with them. Fucking hypocrites. Grow a brain, not just a brainstem, Sk8Joyful.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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