"I would argue that the Christian religion is the most logical of all the world religions."
The words "religion" and "logical" should never be used in the same sentence together in the manner you're attempting. I think it's a grammatical rule or something and if it's not it should be.
"There were many religions that were based on myth, however, Christianity is based on history."
All of it except for the god incarnate rising from the dead after three days; miracles; most of the major characters and nearly all of the events being unevidenced. Other than that, sure. All based on history. Like when they mention the existence of Jerusalem, Jews or the Romans. Obviously more than enough to base a religion on.
"Jesus Himself was considered a historical person by ancient writers of the 1st century."
Really? Cite the (non-Christian) writers and the works they mention Jesus in.
"ven today, scientific evidence from the Shroud of Turin reveal that the the image of the crucified man in it are from an unknown form of radiation."
Not to my knowledge. It appears, from what I've gathered, to be a "stain" of some sort of pigment or other that is just below the surface of the fabric. I know of no evidence that shows it to be caused by radiation.