TruthNow88 #conspiracy
I believe the 2014 ebola outbreak is real, but much smaller scale, more controlled and less transmittable then we are being programmed to think (with a lot of overlapping events, confussion, fear & media hype added to the mix). In my opinion Liberia is mainly Formaldeyde water poisoning with a very small amount of real ebola cases (primary poison target), Guinea is a mix of both (crossover of controlled ebola release & some Formaldeyde water poisoning), and Sierra Leone has the most cases of real ebola but for the most part are dying down (but are being replaced with Formaldeyde water poisoning now to help keep up the cover until ~Q1 2015 when the 10,000 doses of NIAID/GSK ebola vaccine & 100,000 doses of the CNLM VSV-EBOV vaccine should be about ready to be used in a part of the phase 1 mass vaccination program in West Africa. In my opinion most of the "ebola" related deaths in West Africa are not ebola related at all (directed tied to the coordinated drinking water poisonings happening across the 3 countries designed to mimic ebola), and I highly doubt a single case outside of West Africa is ebola at all.
I could go on for ages, and I WILL update this thread with more details about how I feel the media is playing into the agenda, and how all this is likely part of a 3 phase vaccination agenda (starting in early 2015, ending in ~2018) that is going to start off as optional for most (forced for selected areas), and transition over time to become more and more mandatory for even uninfected regions (phase 1 (current)=target sheep, phase 2=target submitters, phase 3=wipe out resisters) as part of a Gates Foundation funded global vaccination/sterilization/RFID agenda via The Global Vaccine Action Plan (with the aim of global immunization by the year 2020), which is all just a small piece of the overarching UN Agenda 21, and the ushering in of their New World Order.