David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
There is NOTHING any more evil than women and young girls walking around public in their underwear. It is unthinkable! What is wrong with people today? It is now considered normal and acceptable to video and take photos for advertisements of young girls wearing only their underwear. If you don't see the harm and evil in this, then you need to get right with God. Young girls ought to wear dresses and culottes, which properly cover the body, teaching them to be chaste and virtuous. I have many places on my women's page where you can obtain such clothing. You have no excuse to dress like a prostitute, feminist hussy, or whore. Most women today scoff and laugh at what I preach, but God is on my side I assure you. What do you think God will say to you on Judgment Day when you give account for your life? Do you think God will overlook the immodesty? Do you really think it's not an issue with God, when He has commanded for all women in 1st Timothy 2:9 to dress in MODEST APPAREL? God cares about the way you dress, I assure you ladies.
Sexual immorality is not a trifle matter with God. Immodest clothing leads to immodest living. It always does. Your immodesty may causes someone else to go sin. You are accountable to God for causing that sin.