The TAO #conspiracy
Recent events have forced my hand to put this on GLP.
The different timelines for this physical reality are rapidly merging into two time streams manifesting in the Western world. The international cabal dominated by Western elites are working the US and Middle East political and socio-economic systems to bring about their idea of an End Time Scenario.
Certain forces are maneuvering for Hillary Clinton to get elected as the president of the US in November 2016 to achieve Scenario One. To the outside world and off world civilizations, the US ( by its military, economic power and human diversity ) represents our present human reality . With Hillary elected to to " toothless tiger position as POTUS ", she will be deemed to be the " head of this human civilization " ( of course she will not in real terms )...she will be the WOMAN figurehead chief of this world. To hardcore Islamists, Conservative Christians and Jews, THIS IS A NO NO....IT WILL HERALD THE END OF THE WORLD. WHEN A FEMALE HEADS HUMAN CIVILIZATION, ARMAGEDDON ensues and the end of the world is nigh. Jesus will return to start a new kingdom, ahhh....the Second Coming.
Conservative forces in the US , the Jewish and Islamic world are working to this scenario. It is counter-intuitive, but the Conservatives/Haredis/Islamists all work to achieve this to herald the Second Coming of Christ, the Moshiach, Imam Mahdi. They are working the socio-political-economic and all other fronts to accomplish this goal...A GLOBAL RESET post " biblical type " Armageddon.
The second Time Stream Scenario involves other forces of the " powers that be " working towards Jeb Bush as the next POTUS. The possible election of Jeb Bush will set forth a scrambling for power, wealth and influence where unbridled greed and base human desire rules, leading to chaos and anarchy. The POTUS may be sacrificed to precipate rules and measures to ensure total control and domination. Martial law and draconian
Enforcement rules will be applied to achieve a continuance of control and domination at ALL COSTS. All attempts are made to prevent a GLOBAL RESET.
The Second Scenario will involve such blatant,, unconcionable and overt display of human depravity that many people will awaken to spiritual yearnings for evolvement which will frighten the powers to be to institute draconian methods to maintain control and domination. Awaken humans will attempt to maintain Mother Earth and Human Integrity. Revolution and mass disobedience lead to total anarchy and chaos which may cause the powers to be to unleash their secret weapons of annihilation. The attempted use of their secret super weapons may see the intervention of our off world Guardians who can only act as a last resort. They will iniate GLOBAL RESET with our concurrence.
These 2 major timelines predominate current events. The wild cards are the Oriental civilizations. If the Oriental civilizations can shake off the shackles of control and domination on the psyche, they can precipitate a third Time Stream for a harmonious soft landing. The shaking of the shackles involve the Chinese abandoning their pursuit of unbridled greed brought by Western influence and return to the Tao.
The Indians must abandon the clingings to " Glorious Aryan " roots and return to their Gondwanaland qualities. It may seem humiliating but they have move from their Aryan centric culture to the more Tamilian-Gondwana
Traditions. The Japanese, Koreans, Mongolians and South East Asians must embrace their Central Asian-Lemurian past they shared with the Chinese, Indians and Polynesians. The Chinese - Lemurian connection stems from Central Asian wing of the Lemurian civilization.
The wild card Time Stream of the Orientals will entail a soft landing of return to harmony with Naure, Mother Earth and the Cosmos. There will still be a GLOBAL RESET, but one will human freewill and knowledge. A knowing that we need to evolve out of base values and clinging to the physicality of 3D possessions.
Looking at China and the neighboring countries plunging deep into western type industrialization, greedy economics and social developments, the Wild Card Time Stream seem unlikely. The Western cabal's foray into Tibet and Xinjiang causes further closing of Chinese minds and attempts to drive the Chinese into greater Draconic measures, all which will satisfy the powers that be's attempts to prevent harmonious human evolution stemming from the Orient.
However I do know of latent Oriental growth of spirituality amongst the educated. However this is undermined by the underground Catholic churches, Falun Gong groups and lunatic spiritual mainstream Buddhist/Taoist religious groups all founded by the powers that be to sidetrack and derail this fledgling spiritual bloom. What we can hope that this " latent spirituality " remains latent to erupt into the " satori " moment of GLOBAL RESET.
As it is, the whole Western dominated world is racing along the first 2 Time Streams. By September 27, 2014 during the Lunar eclipse of the Chinese/Oriental Harvest Moon we will know whether the first 2 Time Stream Scenarios are inevitable. If the Cosmic Guardian Forces are able to awaken " satori-cally " the latent cosmo-human values when Mother Earth SHIELDS THE MOON's PSYCHO - MAGNETIC ray influence on humankind, and the Sun-Christ influence takes hold for the short period of SATORI AWAKENING, then will be heading for the Wild Card Scenario whereby a kind of " Ascension " occurs...Humankind achieves the CRITICAL MASS for harmonious RESET, Mother Earth safely increase Her frequency to match a 5 D REALITY FOR HUMANKIND. The powers that be and their patron, the abrahamic god, the demiurge, will be sent for Cosmic Recycling .
The Wild Card Scenario will also stream into 2016 and early 2017 when the Cosmic Guardians will complete their initial assistance of humankind to the new reality.
The first 2 scenarios will also end in a harsh Global Reset by early 2017. Mother Earth's consciousness will leave this physical 3D shell of Hers. Her Sentience will move to the 5D reality where her 5D physicality will nurture deserving beings who are ready for 5D experience.
Once Mother Earth Sentience leaves the 3D physical shell it cannot support life as it is now, humans not ready for ascension will perish to he spiritually reloated to other 3 D planets able to sustain 3 D reality. For present earth humankind it will be a very harsh RESET, but a whole new paradigm of learning.
Timelines. Time Streams. Our choice. Our freewill!