Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy inglinga.blogspot.co.uk

Let me make it quite clear that I do believe that the 'alien invasions' type of stuff promoted in the films could be yet another means of scaremongering people, since what better way to bring the whole Earth together (into the proposed World State) than a threat to everyone from an outside source. This has already been done with 'Global Warming' and 'Climate Change', and the 'alien invasion' is merely another step in the process. (We have to beware of the 'Nazi-UFO' type of stuff also being used for the same purpose, since we have already seen signs of this in films.) The idea of these 'aliens' also figures in the study of ancient civilisations where it provides a quick and easy answer to lost civilisations of a very high nature which cannot today be explained. In promoting this it also blinds people to the idea that we were once a High Race that today has degenerated and decayed into what we see around us in the modern world. The power behind these ancient civilisations may well have come (and no doubt did) from 'outside', but in the sense of a divine source that uplifted the people of the time, raised them into a higher state of consciousness which resulted in the creation of a high civilisation.

There are too many accounts of UFOs and 'Flying Saucers' to dismiss them out of hand, so we need to study them to make up our own minds on this one. I have, on one specific occasion, seen a 'ball of light' which acted much like the UFOs described, so I can vouch for the fact something does exist that matches the accounts of others. This was part of a mystical experience in 1997 which to me makes it more 'real'. But we must beware of the natural phenomena (like 'Chinese Lanterns') which have been seen as UFOs, and sometimes aeroplanes which have been mistaken for UFOs. This has to be kept in mind if we are to study this subject.

I mentioned earlier that the typical UFO seems to defy the laws of this planet, and here we could be in the realms of some sort of object that moves between dimensions, moving quickly from one to the other and thus being able to defy normal laws. These type could be associated with the 'alien abductions' (a name which immediately throws doubt onto the subject) which seem to have taken two particular types -

The Grey Alien - which seems to be a form of race-less, sexless, uniform type which fits well with the order of being today upon the Earth. This would seem to be a archetype of Nietzsche's 'Ultimate Man'.

The Nordic - which seems to be trying to aid the upward development of mankind in some way, rather than mere 'experiments'. This would seem to be an archetype of the Sun-Man or Superman.

(I am indebted to Clive Potter for the above ideas on 'alien abductions', and he is a UFO expert who developed this idea some years ago.)

Clive's ideas would certainly explain this phenomena to some degree, and he too sees this as some form of 'extra-dimensional' rather than 'extra-terrestrial' (in the sense of 'alien' as the word is used today) form. We seem to have plenty of recorded accounts from hundreds of years ago of people seemingly moving out of this dimension into another, and returning after many years even though the time seemed hours or days. This 'dislocation' of time seems to be part of the phenomena. This was found in Mapp's account of King Herla, a typical account of such a phenomena. This has also been recorded in accounts of 'abduction' which cannot be a coincidence. The stories of Alice in Wonderland and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis) are also based on this type of phenomena.

We must also differentiate between 'Flying Saucers' propelled by 'explosion' (combustible) and those described by Schauberger, powered by implosion, both very different methods, the last being revolutionary in that time (and indeed now for that matter). Implosion - it seems - is an Aryan Science since it does not create destruction, and is not based upon the destruction of matter. Schauberger's ideas seem based upon a vortex of water which was used for powering machines, but there is also the force known as the Vril-Force which is a Universal Energy-Force, called Chi (China) or Ki (Japan) and which has many names by many peoples. Maybe Schauberger's experiments produced this force, and there are hints that there were groups like the Vril Society in Germany also working on similar lines.



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