“"We are building a better life.”
“Your belief in evolution is absolutely irrelevant to its voracity.”
I like the image of a voracious theory. And you guys have certainly made ToE a voracious one. CONSTANTLY demanding incredibly high standards of evidence and eyewitnessing, but it’s never enough to convince you.
And no one says that the ToE is true BECAUSE we believe in it.
“ You can test it by trying to disbelieve the theory of gravity."
You’re challenging us to test a claim you made but attribute to us? Fuck all the way to end of Northern Fucking Lane, and then continue on through the field of fuck at the end.
“Atheists aren't building anything.”
Well, secular science has produced a lot more than cloistered monks, that’s for fucking sure.
During the pandemic, did you pray for health? I got a vaccine.
"There are not enough of the to build anything.”
Except of course, evolution is not limited to the opinions of atheists. So you’re wrong AND you’re way, way off track.
“They create in their mind the perceptiion that they are doing so, then they believe it.”
No, that’s the people who litter the chick tracts around and convince themselves they’re soul-winning.
“All based upon a rejection of Jesus Christ.”
Nope. Plenty of Christains work within the field of bioloty and accept evolution. This is a strawman.
“Guess what. The mathematics and astonomical explainations of the secular world are fashioned to provide an alternative to the truth.”
Then you cah show the error…?
“The Eath is not moving.”
We can directly measure the movement with a gyroscope.
"Time-lapse star photography proves it.”
Ah. You think that at the distance of a star, like Polaris, the movement of that star will be something you can detect with the naked eye on an 8x10 color glossy photograph.
You probably think you can measure the speed of light with a stopwatch.