What a precious passage of Scripture! This afflicted man was possessed by devils, running around naked and living in the wild.
Now my Bible reading is a little rusty, but isn't this around the same area where the devils go out and then posses pigs, which then kill themselves?
The entire city knew he was insane.
And yet nobody tried helping him till Jesus came around?
Yet the Bible says when he found Jesus, he came into his right mind and put his clothes back on. Amen! Jesus is the cure for insanity and nudity.
Notice how it's only the Bible that says this, no other recorded accounts. Also, nudity is not inherently evil. We are all born naked, bathe naked (well most of us do), and even Adam and Eve where naked till they ate the forbidden fruit and got modest.
Millions of Americans go to psychologists, psychiatrists and religious leaders for help; but the Word of God says the afflicted man at Gadarenes came into his RIGHT MIND when he found Jesus.
Again notice how it's only the Bible that says such a thing. Also, if you get sick who do you turn to, a doctor or your bible? After all since Jesus cured a leper, doesn't that mean only he can heal the sick? Or do you not trust it enough for that purpose? Oh wait, some sects only do use prayer, and it ends up killing people who could have been cured using modern medicine...
It is interesting that being in one's “right mind” is associated with being properly clothed.
What? I've meet nudists who have more sense in their pinky finger, than you do in your whole body.
Americans have a problem keeping their clothes on because they AREN'T in their right minds, they are mentally-ill.
So wait a minute, if someone is naked...that means they are having sex in your mind? How do you bathe, in a swimsuit or cut offs?
This is clearly evidenced by the fact that nearly half of the pregnant women in America have murdered a child by abortion.
[Citation Needed] on half of pregnancies end in (I presume unnatural) abortion. I think your looking at the percent of unwanted pregnancies. When you combine the numbers of both wanted and unwanted pregnancies, you'll see that it doesn't make 50%. Also, what if the poor woman got pregnant from her rapist? Or had an ectopic pregnancy?
Also how do you get from nudity to abortion? As I said earlier, not all nudity is sexual in nature.
Only a mentally-ill person would deliberately kill a precious child.
Like Andrea Yates, the Fundamentalist women who drowned her five children?
So it doesn't surprise me in a rotten society that devours it's own children that they would also have a serious problem keeping their clothes on.
Not all nudity is sexual in nature...Some is, some isn't.