Are Gays actually married in God's eyes? The Bible defines marriage as a wedding. It is purely a civil or nuptial agreement. Jesus told the woman at the well she had 5 husbands and the one she is currently with is not her husband. “for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.”” (John 4:18, ESV)
So yes, Gays are married in God's sight but it is a sinful marriage just as adulterous marriages are sinful.
as long as they married by the law, and get the same rights as other couples, god's opinion doesn't matter. if he exist and think it's problem, he can deal with them himself.
This quote actually seems pretty reasonable. All the guy's saying is that gay marriage is sinful, and the Bible does say that homosexuality is a sin. Of course, there's something else important that the Bible contains. Something the anti-gay fundies always (which Dave here may or may not be one of; this quote doesn't contain enough evidence either way) And what, you might ask, is that? Well, it's just a little thing called JESUS. These people supposedly believe in a religion which teaches that God sent His son to die so that all our sins can be forgiven, but the fundies never seem to remember that part. According to the Bible itself, homosexuality is, like many many other things, a sin, but like every other sin, it will be forgiven. It's amazing how many people ignore that last bit. And I can guarantee you that the people who do aren't homophobic because they think the Bible says homosexuality is a sin; they're simply using religion in an attempt to justify their homophobia. And based on this quote alone, Dave really doesn't seem to be one of those people (if he's said other things, and those things are worse than this, maybe I'll re-evaluate).
Wedding is just one day. If marriage is a wedding, then marriage ends after the party.
I don't believe in gods. I still got married in a church, because I like the ritual. I believe my marriage is much, much more than a mere wedding.
Well, at least it's a step in the right direction. And they say a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.
Either that, or my optimism's showing again...
Does anyone remember when christians were more concerned with helping people get married than preventing people from getting married?
Does anyone remember when christians were more concerned about how much food poor children had every day than what goes on in everyone else's bedroom?
Does anyone remember when christians were more concerned with their own sins than the sins of everyone else?
Neither do I.
“Are Gays actually married in God's eyes? The Bible defines marriage as a wedding. It is purely a civil or nuptial agreement.”
So, my husband, say, grabs his chest and collapses. I drag him to the hospital. They throw him on a gurney and off he goes to the ER. I start to follow. They say, “Only immediate family!” I say, “We’re Married!” They say, “Oh. Okay.” And i can hold his hand while they wait for lab results (that’s the name of my stuffed Sloth Plush, by the way, Lab Results).
At no point do they reference the Bible. Just the hospital policy and whether our marriage is legal in this state.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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