I don't think medicine is the cure for cancer -- so why should I be trained in it? I'll certainly never take any, outside of an aspirin or something.
Fundies say they don't believe in the Big Bang or the cosmic singularity, but I believe that the singularity was something like this. Only instead of all the matter in the universe, this crams all the stupid into a tiny little statement.
"I'll certainly never take any, outside of an aspirin or something."
Well unless you're ill why would you? I don't take any medicines because, at the moment, I don't need to.
If not for the fact I've known some people that refused medical treatment and medicines because "The Lord is going to take care of me," I'd be willing to bet he'd be screaming for whatever pills they brought through the door if he were to become seriously ill. This is just pure, unadulterated ignorance at it's summit.
Fun fact: most medicine comes from chemicals extracted from plants. They only come in pills or injection because it's easier to administer and sell. Now since most medicine comes from plants, and using fundie logic God made plants with these chemicals for us to use, what the hell is wrong with medicine?
@James 5:14-16"
Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
Christianity is the cure for cancer. So says the Bible. Now, get with the program and die already.
Intersting. You will take aspirin, the product of science and research, but you won't take more sophisticated medications based on the same kind of science and research? Your position makes no sense; either all scientifically derived medical treatments are anti-God, or none of them are.
There's an old joke that goes like this: An old man is sitting on his roof during a bad flood when a guy in a rowboat comes by. The old man refuses a ride, saying, "Jesus will rescue me." A few hours later a Coast Guard patrol boat comes by, and they get the same response. A few hours after that, the scene is repeated with a police helicopter. A few hours after that, the old man dies when the water rises above his roof. He goes to Heaven, understandably pissed, and yells at Jesus for not saving him. Jesus smacks him and says, "What the hell do you want from me? I sent you two damn boats and a freaking helicopter!"
Or how 'bout this one: A Scotsman kneels down every night and prays to Jesus to let him win the lottery, but he never wins. Not even a farthing. After years of this, he finally gets pissed and yells and rants at God. With a poof Jesus appears in the room, smacks him, and says, "For the love of Me, buy a damn ticket!"
Do you get the point...? I bet you don't.
And I'm pretty damn sure that if you developed cancer, you would do what your oncologist reccomended as far as treatment went. Unless, of course, you are a complete dumbass.
I'm scared of the "why should I be trained in it?" part. Is this implying that, one day, your doctor or nurse could be supersport? Hopefully, it just means that supersport is either staying willfully ignorant of modern medicine or plans to become a faith healer. Preying (and praying, I suppose) on the desperate is sure to win a ticket to heaven!
Imagining this guy as a doctor is just scary.
SUPERSPORT: I'm sorry, you have cancer. Now, my colleagues say you need chemo, but I don't think medicine cures things, ever, because I'm stupid, so have fun dying. ^^
...Fuck, now I'm gonna have nightmares.
Ditto, Anna.
Supersport: "You appear to have the worst case of influenza I've ever heard of... Recite two psalms and call me in the morning." Huge grin. Patient stares in shock... or maybe tries to hug him on national television. "Supersport and God: Battling the evil demongerms, every Friday at five (four central)!"
McCulloch beat me to it. The bible pretty much shuns physicians as wizards. If you aren't faithful enough to get healed through prayer, you're no true christiantm anyway, might as well just die already and get to hell.
I'm amazed that supersport has never taken an antibiotic, or a pain pill, or an anti-inflammatory. Either he's living in a bubble, is the luckiest man alive, or is a liar. Guess which one I believe...
And aspirin, what on earth do you think it came to the world?, exactly, with the medicine science you despise so much. And by the way, some cancers are healable, believe it or not. It depends on the type, and there are many products and therapies that, in your blantant ignorance, don't know.
On behalf of my mother, I say this: pull your head out of your rectum and educate yourself as much as is needed on the importance of medicine.
Also, people in medicine are working on it, and they may well be successful eventually.
Actually there have been great leaps in the treatment of cancer in the last year. There are two treatments undergoing rigorous lab tests at the moment that I'm aware of. (I'll post the relevant articles shortly).
Medical science is progressing faster now than it has at any time in history.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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