I think fetuses with extremely severe disabilities like Down syndrome should be aborted.
This thread desperately needs pictures of kittens, puppies, bunnies, and for us hetero men and lesbian or bi sexual women sexy women and for the heterosexual women or bisexual or gay men sexy men just because the OP is that fucking bad
The problem is that it's not possible to know how severe it will be until after the child is born, which is one reason why the vast majority of parents do abort when they get that diagnosis. A lot of people feel that it's cruel and immoral to knowingly bring a person into the world to endure a lifetime of limitation and dependence that will continue long after the parent is gone and can no longer see to the child's welfare.
I hate to play Devil's Advocate here but that really is a decision for the parents to make. Some people aren't capable of committing to long term care and some conditions really do make every moment of life torture.
On the other hand if Randomosaur thinks that decision should be made for parents or out of some eugenics mindset they can take a long walk off a short plank sticking out a helicopter hovering over Monster Island.
I think that's up to the woman carrying the fetus, not you. :/ We had a genetic test Downs scare with my sisters first pregnancy. But my sister was told that test can sometimes give a false positive. I asked what she wanted to do, and she said 'I want to carry to term anyway'. And that's what we did. That's what it means to be pro-choice.
Turns out it was a false positive.
Not too sure how sevre down syndrome is, but (for the worse conditions) could it be argued it's a kind of abuse to bring a child into the world that cannot participate and would suffer heavily throughout it's life, and the parent's could not care for when they die?
Maybe.But first you'd have to prove that they are that severely disabled, which isn't possible before they are born, then convince the parents that raising those disabled children is worse than terminating them (which many won't like to hear), and then try to quell the outcry from actual people with downs syndrome and their freinds family, and supporters.Thats no mean feat.
If they are growing in YOUR body, you have (or ought to have) the right to decide whether to abort those fetuses or not.
Most people with Downs kids find them to be an treasure, an infinite source of happiness. The biggest problem is society's treatment of their kids.
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