"Yes, slavery was a repugnant activity that is morally indefensible, the holocaust was an act of genocide perpetrated by some of the most vile racists in history ...
... and abortion is worse than both."
A clump of cells <<<<<< human beings bought & sold as property & chattels, and used as unpaid labour. And people stripped of their property, assets & human rights, ghettoised, put in concentration camps, used as slave labour, beaten, tortured, experimented upon, gassed & incinerated.
Priorities, Stripe, Priorities.
Okay then, let's do exactly what you want. Make abortion illegal worldwide. With a few provisos: would you & your ilk be prepared to look after all the unwanted babies in the world, shared equally amongst all you 'Pro-Life' types; also that you wouldn't get help from anyone - certainly financially - so that you'd have to look after them yourself? Also, that if any woman who was pregnant and who didn't want to be (but had to go full term as per your wish), suffered complications during birth, so that either her or the child would die - but with abortion being forbidden she'd have to give birth, but died in the process? In that case, then ten 'Pro-Life' types were chosen at random and publicly executed (with you among the first batch, Stripe)? And would happen every time a pregnant woman died in childbirth (but would've been saved by an abortion) And one more thing:
If any 'Pro-Lifer' complained about being lumbered with looking after all these babies in any way, shape or form, the whole deal's off - and abortion would be legal worldwide in perpetuity, with abortions amongst you fundies made compulsory - and without anaesthetic.
Are you prepared to accept the above, in the name of your precious 'Pro-Life' cause? To give up your life as you know it, just to look after all those unwanted babies? What's that? You don't have the time, money, space or inclination to do so? Of couuurse not.
Priorities, Stripe, Priorities.