[on Iraq] The U.S. is not going to go in willy nilly and just start shooting civilians..and you know that. We never do that...
It's a good thing you didn't go in willy nilly, due to a debunked lie, and just started shooting anyone, civilian or not, then Iraq might be completely unstable right now with no strong government, and terrorist organizations like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria could just take over without anyone reali-
Oh, wait, that's exactly what did happen, and IS happening right now...
1813 - Hillabee Massacre
1813 - Autossee Massacre
1818 - Chehaw Affair
1826 - Dressing Point Massacre
1832 - Battle of Bad Axe
1837 - Johnson massacre
1840 - Council House Massacre
1840 - Colorado River
1846 - Sacramento River
1846 - Temecula Massacre
1847 - Storming of Pueblo de Taos
1848 - Brazos River
1850 - Bloody Island Massacre
1851 - Old Shasta Town
1852 - Hynes Bay Massacre
1852 - Bridge Gulch Massacre
1852 - Wright Massacre
1853 - Yontoket Massacre
1853 - Achulet massacre
1853 - "Ox' Incident
1855 - Klamath River massacres
1855 - Harney Massacre
1855 - Lupton Massacre
1855 - Little Butte Creek
1856 - Grande Ronde River Valley Massacre
1856 - Shingletown
1859 - Round Valley Massacres
1859 - Pit River
1859 - Chico Creek
1860 - Massacre at Bloody Rock
1860 - Indian island massacre
1860 - Pease River massacre
1861 - Horse Canyon massacre
1862 - Upper Station Massacre
1862 - Big Antelope Creek Massacre
1863 - Bear River Massacre
1863 - Keyesville Massacre
1864 - Cottonwood
1864 - Massacre at Bloody Tanks
1864 - Oak Run Massacre
1864 - Skull Valley Massacre
1864 - Sand Creek massacre
1865 - Mud lake Massacre
1865 - Owens lake Massacre
1866 - Three Knolls Massacre
1867 - Aquarius Mountains
1868 - Campo Seco
1868 - Washita Massacre
1870 - Marias Massacre
1871 - Kingsley Cave massacre
1871 - Camp Grant massacre
1872 - Skeleton Cave Massacre
1873 - Cypress Hills Massacre
1875 - Sappa Creek Massacre
1877 - Big Hole Massacre
1890 - Buffalo Gap Massacre
1890 - Stronghold
1890 - Wounded Knee Massacre
And that's just on your own continent.
History really slams that shit down.
It's actually quite sad many Americans think this American war machine is some sorta heavenly house cleaner or distributor of democracy.
Grow the fuck up people. It's not Dick Cheneys Sparkly Pony Rightious bregade of happiness. It's corporate americas overkill troops on speed, and stupid fucks like you are feeding that machine your own children.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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