[In response to the court ruling that the University of California will not accept high school course credits in science from a class that uses a science text book describing the Bible as infallible and rejects evolution.]
Ya --- and the Californians probably wonder why they have so many wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides, murders, and crooked politicians.
Except how do you explain the fact that no hurricanes hit Ca., but the much more Bible-thumpin' region of the gulf coast gets smacked almost every year? Tornados frequently hit the Bible belt, but rarely touch us here in Ca..
Oh, wait, I know this one! The answer is that you're a complete jackass and your assertion is total crap.
I'm pretty sure the California has wildfires due to the dry landscape, earthquakes and mudslides because it falls along a fault line, and murders and crooked politicians because it is populated by humans.
So exactly how is any of that attributed to a lack of belief in creationism?
NYC, Philly, Detroit, Chicago, and New Orleans ALL have crooked politicians and murders. Pull your head out of your ass and stop blaming all the shit that happens in California on the UC system not accepting high school course credits.
Nixon, Reagan, Schwarzenegger...hmmm
AV must be telling us that if they don't blindly accept Christianity, America will continue to be plagued by Republicans.
"Ya --- and the Californians probably wonder why they have so many wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides, murders, and crooked politicians."
Let's see... Kwame Kilpatrick, christian mayor of Detroit is under arrest and awaiting trail, accused of several felonies.
Sen Steven, AK Republican, christian is on trial for several felony accounts of corruption.
We can go on and on and on and they are all christian and republican with a few droplets in between with christian democrats.
Right, as opposed to the bible belt, which is routinely getting hit with hurricanes, tornadoes, plus having some of the highest murder rates in the country. Oh, and don't forget the politicians from your neck of the woods who were involved in scandals.
That's funny, because in Europe we don't accept bibles in science courses either, and we don't have that many wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides and murders. Crooked politicians, however, seem to be everywhere :(
You prob live where there not only wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides, murders, and crooked politicians but the sun don't shine.
Yeah, the San Andreas fault has nothing to do with earthquakes.
Was this idiot actually in the military?
If so we are doomed.
Because,,,,,that's totally related somehow,,,, to someone educated in the manner which UofC won't recognize.
Can you not see their point?
Californians don't wonder why these things happen, been happening for centuries, there are understood reasons for them all.
But you lump everything into "God's will" instead of reality and wonder why a University sees your lot as damaged goods.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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