L. J. Devon #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Most people today are slowly being poisoned each day through the water supply. Sodium fluoride is mandated to be dripped into municipal water supplies throughout the industrialized world, in cities across America. Fluoride is also in nursery water and in many psychiatric medications. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, making it hard for the gland to regulate melatonin and DMT production, limiting one's sleep and dreams, emotional state, and heart-brain coherence.

Many researchers show that we are seeing incredible amounts of dementia, sleep disorders, Parkinson's, learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, and disconnection in our society today because people everywhere are being systematically poisoned - their pineal glands calcified.

The agriculture system (glyphosate) and the medical system (heavy metal injections, fluoride-based psychiatric drugs) and government fluoride mandates are literally teaming up to destroy our minds and our spiritual connection to ourselves and one another.

In this awakening, we must learn how to clean our blood, detoxify, and de-calcify our pineal gland to restore our consciousness, connection, and love for one another.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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