not-Andy #fundie

So "creationism"(I prefer to call it Christianity. Whatever happened to that? Is it now no longer a word?) can't be proved. And neither can the Big Bang. The Earth has to come from somewhere, I think humans weren't meant to know. Did you know that before Darwin died, he rejected his theory of evolution? And now, humans think that apes are "evolutioning into humans again". They've been seen using primitive tools to hunt. So in three(hundred, was it?) million years, no more monkeys. Scientists love the phrase "__ million years" If they don't believe Jesus ever existed, how come, if "there have been billions and billions of years," we're only in the year 2007? Where does BC turn into AD for the scientists? Really, don't believe them. When it comes to evolution, it's all junk.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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