“So "creationism"(I prefer to call it Christianity. Whatever happened to that? Is it now no longer a word?)”
Not all creationists are christains, you self-centered, self-important, self-defeating twatwaffle.
And not all Christains support Creationism.
And not all Christains even ARE Christains in the eyes of most Christains. Methodists think anyone who professes to worship Jesus is Christain, but this is listed as a heresy among most other denominations.
So, stifle the hole that’s leaking out the stupid.
"can't be proved.”
Not with the supernatural elements, no. Science can’t accept that.
“And neither can the Big Bang.”
But not for teh same reason. Any science theory has to be falsifiable, so it can never be proven beyond the possibility of doubt or disproof.
"The Earth has to come from somewhere, I think humans weren't meant to know.”
Fine, sit back and let the adults talk about what evidence there is to find and what it means.
“Did you know that before Darwin died, he rejected his theory of evolution?”
I know that his daughter and wife reported that as a lie well before THEY died.
Seriously, you’re hemorrhaging stupid.
I mean, what difference would it make if he HAD? The evidence found since his publishing is still there.
"And now, humans think that apes are "evolutioning into humans again".
That would be a lie.
“They've been seen using primitive tools to hunt.”
The use of tools is ‘learning’ not ‘evolving.’
I mean it, a mouth plug? Gag yourself with a scarf or something?
"So in three(hundred, was it?) million years, no more monkeys.”
Nothing in the goddamned theory of evolution requires anything to die off if some part of it evolves. Look at crocodiles.
"Scientists love the phrase "__ million years"”
Scientists who talk about things that took a long, long, long time to occur, yes. You won’t find economists or computer science majors talking about ‘millions of years,’ much at all.
“If they don't believe Jesus ever existed, how come, if "there have been billions and billions of years," we're only in the year 2007?”
How come, if Jesus did exist, the entire world is NOT reckoning it to be the year 2007 (or 2025, my POV)??
"Where does BC turn into AD for the scientists?”
Depends on the calendar being used, doesn’t it?
You DO know that it’s not the only one in use, right?
“Really, don't believe them. When it comes to evolution, it's all junk.”
This was really poor and unsupported advice even before you proved yourself to be dumber than an anvil juggler’s podiatrist.