Anyone remember the Berenstein Bears? Proof of PARALLEL UNIVERSE???
I just found a video on YouTube explaining how the name "Berenstein Bears" had been changed to "Berenstain Bears," sometime in the last few years even on old, vintage items. This could be proof of a parallel universe if it really has been changed. If you do a search for it, everything comes up as "Berenstain" on the books and/or items, but most of the listings are for the "Berenstein" Bears, as if the sellers or posters remember how it USED to be spelled.
I 110% remember it as "Berenstein," ALL my co-workers including parents who have bought the books for their children also remember it with an 'e,' but perhaps we could all just remember the spelling wrong?
What could be the reason behind changing the name (even in the past) if it, indeed, has been tampered with?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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