Autism is caused by child abuse. It is a politically correct way of treating childhood PTSD without blaming the parents for abusing their children. It used to be called ADD.
The entire field of psychiatry is a pseudoscience meant to keep the world order in place. I dated and lived with a psych PhD for 4 years. The entire field is a scam meant to keep patients mentally enslaved. In fact, giving direct advice to patients about their problems is a violation of psychiatric "ethics." Really.
The truth is that abused kids become mental slaves later in life, and are useful to society. Nice guys and suckers make the world go 'round. Most GLPers fall in one of those two categories, myself included.
Don't fear vaccines. It is just another lie.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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