[You've read the 14th Amendment, but you don't understand the passage "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"?]
Dex Jones 8:20 pm
So that would include the unborn children of this country wouldn't it?
I think Dex isn't directly conflating born with unborn, but is rather conflating born with conceived, and then conceived with unborn, and not noticing what that leads to.
Things I've learned on the interwebs,#8340129:
born!= unborn
"Born" really is a code word for "reached the moment of conception".
Alternatively: Damn you, time-travelling pro-aborts, and changing our legal documents to support your nefarious practices when we clearly would have given rights to fetuses otherwise!
You fail on two counts
1. It fricking says BORN they did not write the UN part in some special invisible ink that only fundies can read.
2. Abortion was a legal, accepted and even common practice when the 14th amendment was adopted. Only a few religious fanatics were trying to make it illegal...kinda like today.
Let's all sing along with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare ...
A very merry unbirthday to me
(To who? To me. Oh, you !)
A very merry unbirthday to you
(Who me? Yes, you! Oh, me !)
Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea
A very merry unbirthday to you!
Now, statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday. Imagine, just one birthday every year. Ah, but there are three hundred and sixty four unbirthdays! Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer
A very merry unbirthday to you, to you
'So that would include the unborn children of this country wouldn't it?'
WRONG AS USUAL, DIPSHIT! The 'unborn' or 'preborn', no matter what fundy airheads say, ARE NOT PERSONS!!! The fundies didn't get to keep Dumbya in office for a 3rd term. Get over it, loser.
Per your own reading of the 14th:
"BORN or naturalized" (Emphasis mine).
You can argue the morality of it all day long, but UN-born people do *not* enjoy the protection of the Constitution.
Having said that, I believe that given the state of the times back then, the only reason that abortion was not specifically outlawed in the Constitution was because it was already illegal in each State, and wasn't even a matter of public debate.
Kinda like the universal franchise isn't a matter for debate at the moment - we presume its existence in everything we say about politics - so it was then with abortion. None of thepeople involved in the Constitution dreamed that abortion would ever be legal, so they took no steps to prohibit it.
flammable, inflammable
born, unborn
What's the diff?
So that would include the unborn children of this country wouldn't it?
Only if they were born here, twit.
@Jezebel's Evil Sister:
flammable, inflammable
born, unborn
What's the diff?
Actually, flammable and [i]in[/i]flammable mean the same thing.
It's one of those weird exceptions that English is replete with...
So that would include the unborn children of this country wouldn't it?
14th Amm. US constitution reads "All persons BORN or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States"
So no, it would not include unborn persons.
Seriously, what is it with these blokes and whining about giving rights to blastocysts?
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