The author's of Redeeming Halloween: Celebrating Without Selling Out are foolishly wrong to claim that Halloween used to be "INNOCENT."
You mean when it was still mostly celebrated as the christian holiday All Saint's Day?
Halloween was never innocent
You are right, but not in the way you intended. Halloween has never been "innocent" because it is a holiday, a date on a calender, and has such is not something that can be labeled as "innocent" or "guilty" or any other concepts that would normally on apply to sentient beings. No day, holiday or otherwise, is imbued with any inherent power either "good" or "evil", it's simply a 24 hour span of time that some people attach undue importance.
any more than the innocent tiger who ripped his owner and trainer, Roy Horn (of Siegfried and Roy) to shreds in 2003.
A few superficial teeth wounds is not what can be described as "ripped to shreds". Both eye witnesses and Siegfried and Roy themselves have stated that the tiger was attemping to remove Horn from what it percieved as danger by nipping at his neck and carrying him away as great cat and domestic cats are all wont to do.
Christians who take their kids trick-or-treating (or let their kids go on their own) ought to feel guilty because Halloween is the Devil's day.
Your biblical basis for this is what? I ask this because without some form of biblical conformation your assertion of Halloween belonging to the "devil" is little more than evangelical fanfic, with no true theological weight.
No Christian should support such a wicked holiday.
First off, would you care to pony up some proof that your "god" himself has appointed you to be the final authority on what all True Christians{TM} should and should not believe, agree with, or support. And without that proof then you are just another in a long line of fundies who thinks that they have either the right or the duty to decide what or who is or is not favored by the "god" they claims to speak on behalf of.
Secondly, what makes Halloween a "wicked" holiday? What is it about halloween that is evil? Why do you associate halloween with the devil when nothing about the origins of halloween that could be construed as satanic? Or is it the pagan origins that bother you so? If that's the case then I suggest you just scrap all major christian holidays since every last one of them have pagan origins of one form or another.
Just because nearly everyone does it doesn't justify it.
That's my very position in regards to religion. Further more I don't see where anyone needs to justify it, after all you are the one claiming that what has been a traditionally christian holiday with a twist of added fun for the kiddies, is in fact a holiday for the devil. A claim you have yet to show any factual, or even apocryphal, evidence of.
Most people have no problem going down to the beach to watch people walking around 98% naked. This is sinful.
I have yet to understand why your "god" would create something as beautiful as the human body and then make it a crime punishable by an eternity of torture to admire it.
Likewise, Halloween is of the Devil and any Christian who celebrates it to ANY extent should feel guilty.
If halloween is "of the devil" then why have you not cited a single factual and reliable source, shit, you haven't even cited a dubious source, that can support your assertion.
On the other hand you want them to feel guilty, you want them to as if they have to atone for some flaw, shortcoming, or even wrongdoing that they were not even a party to. The whole point of fostering this guilt is that makes them easier to control and manipulate when they are being led to that it will help them atone for their percieved wrongs.
The two women who authored Redeeming Halloween: Celebrating Without Selling Out suggest appropriate "costumes" for kids to wear on Halloween.
Uh-huh... So? Not every christian denomination has identical standards on every single point of doctrine, and short of a proclamation in your favor from your "god" himself there is precious little reason to think that you and sycophantic hangers-on are any more right than any of the other thousands of denominations.
They ought to be ashamed of themselves if they are indeed true believers
Judging by this scatalogical screed and hundreds of your other quotes, It has become quite clear that for some time that you would never consider anyone a "True Christian(TM) unless they agree with you 100% 24-7