“Where is the evidence for evolution?”
All over the place.
“O wait there is NONE...”
Are you lying, ignorant, or just dumber than a bag of
"How do you explain LIFE?”
I don’t have to. I don’t have to explain physics to throw a baseball, and i don’t have to explain calculus to hit a target with it. Life IS.
"How do you explain thoughts, dreams, emothions...”
Don’t have to.
“The Bermuda Triangle,”
Statistics. Pretty simple, I will give you $100 for every single freaky mystery you can find in that triangle, if you’ll give me one single dollar for every boat and plane that’s gone through it without incident. Three of the ships i served on used to start their patrol cycles in that area.
"Dinosaurs still alive in Africa”
They’re called ‘birds,’ now.
“and the Ocean...”
Water? You want the explanation for…. water?
“Look around you everyting was CREATED.”
Gonna need some reason to think that’s true, and ALL CAPS is not it.