The 2012 Olympics are the most blatant display of twisted Illuminati symbolism! Check it out...
Weird logo that rearranged spells 'Zion' (as in Zionism, one of the many arms of the Illuminati hydra).
One eyed mascot's. (the one eye represents the all-seeing-eye, a symbol that is all over the place right now!)
Ever notice that these secret illuminati logos have to be rearranged to make them mean something sinister? I think we have to go way back in history to the Romans because the number 2 kind of looks like the letter Z.
If the illuminati really are a super-secret organization, why would they be making such obvious signs which point to their hidden secret agenda? They must be totally inept if any idiot with a conspiracy website can figure it out.
Sorry, but the logo looks like it's saying "2012" to me. Of course I'm not one to go about moving letters or numbers in logos around to make them mean other things I want them to mean. "Santa" rearranged spells "Satan," so better not be celebrating Christmas any more.
Bro, 'National Treasure' wasn't a documentary. Secret societies aren't hiding their symbols everywhere so that a clever-enough outsider can piece it all together and find the portal to Equestria, or whatever bullshit you're spouting.
Well, the eye does represent a camera according to the marketing bullcrap. I think there's something about "so nothing is missed". So he's sort of accidentally right about that, at least, I guess.
I hate the marketing for this Olympic games. Its embarrassing. We've got a logo that looks like a rejected Tiswas logo ("It looks better when its moving", said the marketing people - which is great except that I've never seen it animated once, all I can imagine it doing is sort of jiggling about spastically, and that its hard to get it animated on the side of a van, on a billboard, or basically anywhere its actually going to be fucking seen - even on the TV its static), the mascots - why do we even need a fucking mascot? - look like spanners, which is perhaps representative of the idiots who designed them, and the whole thing is just a hugely, typically British, half-arsed tacky disappointment. I swear if I see one Morris 1000 at the opening ceremony I'm going to go insane. Moreso.
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