Why Is Masterbation Wrong?
The Bible Does Not Speak About This But It Does Say If You Lust With A Woman In Your Heart Then You Have Committed Adultery.
Masterbation Involves Sexual Fantasy And So It Is A Sin.
Masterbation Will Lead You Into Bondage And You Will Objectify Women And Eventually Read Porn And Then You Will Go Deeper.
I Myself Masterbated Since Age 12 And Kept Going As A Christian At Age 19. I Am Now 45 Years Old. The Longest I Have Abstained Was 97 Days Which Was In The Summer Of 2004. This Website Will Help Me Be An Overcomer And Am Anxious To See Those Strugggling Be Set Free.
Masterbation: kinky variant of solitary sex involving BDSM? Is there a Slavebation version too? Just asking ...
ETA: Septic Sceptic, faster than me, pox, etc. At least our wording is different.
If the bible does not say it. It doesn't count. And you can't make up shit, either.
Your dick must be exhausted!
You could try Weasel Pounders Anonymous.
"Uh, Hi. I'm Michael, and I'm a Jerk-a-Holic."
The Bible Does Not Speak About This But It Does Say If You Lust With A Woman In Your Heart Then You Have Committed Adultery.
And if you're not married, or the woman you're lusting after is your wife? Hmmm...?
The Bible Does Not Speak About This But It Does Say If You Lust With A Woman In Your Heart Then You Have Committed Adultery.
No, the Bible says that if you are MARRIED and look at a woman other than your wife with lust in your heart, then you have committed adultery... all us unmarried people, and every single woman around, can wank ourselves into comas if we want and it's not a sin.
I think this is called special pleading.
Besides, nobody cares what you do in your own time. I suggest you get a hobby.
Well, I guess you could say I experimented with bondage before discovering porn, if games of cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers count, and according to what I readabout child development masturbation is common and normal among babies/toddlers and has even been observed in utero , so technically Michael's timeline is correct, but his interpretation of the facts seem faulty at best...
Masterbation Will Lead You Into Bondage And You Will Objectify Women
The bible is strongly pro Slavery, therefore I assume that it is also pro BDSM and therefore pro Bondage ;)
Same goes for objectification of women (as someone already mentioned). Women, according to the bible, are just property, first of their fathers and later of their husband.
Ooh, bondage - now there's a thought! I like my sex life, thanks very much; take your wretched fundie guilt elsewhere, or even better, drop it and enjoy something you clearly like doing or else would have given it up years ago...
This Website Will Help Me Be An Overcomer
- What are you going to come over? A skyscraper?
- BTW, Master Bation would prefer you call him Mister Bation. And if you are talking about wanking, the word is mastUrbation.
Everyone talking about his consistent capitalization.
His forum likely has caps lock filters. This is really your garden variety Caps Lock for Cool, just dumbed down by a forum so everyone's eyes would stop hemorrhaging.
This Website Will Help Me Be An Overcomer And Am Anxious To See Those Strugggling Be Set Free.
I thought you were trying to stop. Either way, go jerk off for the next two hours.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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