[Posted as a comment on "<a href="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/14/national/main2011603.shtml " target="_blank">War widow dedicates Wiccan plaque symbol</a>" story]
...would you want to be buried right next to some guy with devil worship symbols on his grave? what a bunch of sickos. You can keep your Wicca, Satanic Symbols and other evil weird sh*t where it belongs--in the closets and basements of your homes! dont bring that crap to a place for the dead! disgraceful!!
Don't tell this kook that there were already nearly three dozen religions that had their respective symbols on the gravestones authorized before the Wicca symbol was cleared.
(If you haven't seen the list, it's rather enlightening -- several faiths I'd never heard of were listed. At least I've heard of Wicca.)
Wow.... The cross you hang round your neck was what exactly - oh that's right, it was a method of execution wasn't it. That's much more fitting for a cemetary than a symbol of life isn't it.
Unfortunately your first sentence really needs a little thought. You wouldn't know. You wouldn't be able to see if you did.
Don't forget graves in churches have been recycled for well over a thousand years, don't think for one moment it's an eternal resting place you fool.
...would you want to be buried right next to some guy with apocalyptic death cult symbols on his grave? what a bunch of sickos. You can keep your crosses, Jesus statues, and other evil weird sh*t where it belongs--in the closets and basements of your homes! dont bring that crap to a place for the dead! disgraceful!!
Just as sensical as the original.
Sometimes I feel so powerless with these people. Will they never learn that Wiccans don't worship the devil? Wicca was a peaceful druidic religion before the Christians arrived. Then the church, ever eager to denegrate other religions, tied it to Satanism to try to encourage conversion and to justify persecution of Wiccans. Satan is a Christian concept. He had no place in the Wiccan religion, and he still doesn't, except in the confused minds of Christians.
Well, you can keep your resurrection,
torture-to-death-for-goodness symbols out, too, then.
"would you want to be buried right next to some guy with devil worship symbols on his grave?"
As I would be dead, it wouldn't matter to me. Plus, what makes you think that everyone else's family and friends would want their loved one buried next to you and your religious symbols?
"what a bunch of sickos."
What a stupid asshat.
"You can keep your Wicca, Satanic Symbols and other evil weird sh*t where it belongs--in the closets and basements of your homes!"
No, out here in the open with every other religion's symbols seems fair to me.
"dont bring that crap to a place for the dead! disgraceful!!"
Here you are, campaigning agaist a star on a grave marker, when your religious symbol is an instrument of torture and death. Who is it that's disgraceful?
Well, following your logics, let´s put your prayers and your KJV only in the closet, because there are not so many protestant wackoes as you think.
If the soldier wanted a Wiccan plaque, that's what he should get. It's called honoring the dead, and decent people do that. Besides which, Wiccans are not Satanists, get that through your thick head!
SaneChick, as a former Wiccan and currently what I like to refer to as a "Cluster fuck pagan," I have to suggest that you actually read up on the history of Wicca. It's only fifty years old or so. Sure, it takes some things from ancient traditions, but Wicca itself is not an ancient religion predating Christianity.
A cross is a symbol of torture and death!! I don't know why anyone would want to put that in a graveyard! UGH!!!!!
Yeah, don't like it when it's directed at you huh?
@ Madame Scarlet
If you're buried in a graveyard where there's a tombstone with a Wiccan symbol, you go to hell.
Yeah, imagine that, hahaha. 1700 years' worth of dead fundies lounging around in their diamond castle in the sky --- suddenly --- their cloud tips, and every last damn one of them plunged into the Eternal Lake-O'-Fire, right alongside of us sinners, forever and ever amen.
Why? Those fucking Wiccans! Put a symbol in a graveyard and God was sore offended.
Finally, I have something to believe in. Tonight I will pray for this.
I've always wondered why the Hell Christians care about the grave site, the Soul is gone upon death. Right?
Yet here they are, beseeching God three days later over the "mortal shell, bereft of life" at a gravesite and for many more years they go talk to a rock. About as Pagan as you can get.
At the major secular columbarium in my country, the niches are separated by religion, with one section for each religion including the irreligious. Mount Vernon even had a pagoda with niches on each level. I can understand the error with the Wiccan pentagram vs. the inverted pentagram (not too well known as of now), but the extent of complaint is still unwarranted. If it were a strictly Christian cemetery, a pentagram (inverted or otherwise) would certainly be out of place. Yet this is a war cemetery we're talking about. Even for unknowns "here lies a soldier known but to God", the Bible God isn't explicitly mentioned.
The Cenotaph, in London:
No irrelevant 'symbols' required.
You can keep your weird shit 'Cross' where it belongs: in your closets, as per Matthew 6:6. Your crap has absolutely no right to exist on this place for the UK's dead of all wars.
...oh, and enjoy your 'Support for Israel' paradox, o fundies, seeing as there is a Star of David poppy wreath placed there, for the UK's Jewish dead of WWII.
“...would you want to be buried right next to some guy with devil worship symbols on his grave?”
His or hers, yes. THey’re veterans. THey took the same oath I did, Some of them multiple times. Served teh same country with the same ideals and the same freedoms. Served to PRESERVE those freedoms.
YOU don’t get to decide how _I_ want to be remembered you fucking fascist.
“what a bunch of sickos. You can keep your Wicca, Satanic Symbols and other evil weird sh*t where it belongs--in the closets and basements of your homes!”
It’s my country, too. I stood the watches and aimed the missiles and cleaned the bilges and shifted the supplies, all while being an atheist. I’ve certainly earned the right to pick a symbol on my own fucking tombstone. More of a right than you have for my tombstone.
"dont bring that crap to a place for the dead! disgraceful!!”
Thinking only your hallowed thoughts get to be hallowed is the disgrace. Might introduce yourself to the first amenment some time.
Or french kiss a shark. Either one works for me.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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