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The Shack" Has Me Very, Very Disturbed!!

Has anyone here read "The Shack"?

I am so upset over that book!!! It's riding the bestseller list, going to be made into a movie and it is teaching false beliefs about Christianity.

There is one page that claims you can be saved WITHOUT BELIEVING IN JESUS CHRIST that has me especially upset. Jesus said, "I am The Way, the truth and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me..." There IS no other "way" except Him!!!

On another page it claims God does NOT want you to "slavishly follow His Will..." Huh??? What happened to, "Thy Will Be Done"?? This is so, so wrong! And it's so frightening that it's selling like hotcakes! I'm glad I didn't spend a PENNY on it, checked it out of the library -- I don't want to contribute a DIME to that author's heresy!

Another page claims you should NOT try to "be like Jesus." Whaaaaaat??? As the name of the famous Thomas Kempis book goes, "Imitation of Christ," we ARE supposed to try to "model" Jesus, to constantly strive for His goodness and Holiness (even though, obviously, we can never be that good).

This book is leading people astray in so many ways. It breaks my heart that it is a bestseller. And the most awful part is that it CLAIMS to be a "Christian book" and a "great work." Give me a break!!!!!!

The author should be ashamed of himself!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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