Shep Voice #fundie #homophobia
[=Looking at the guys disqus profile, you see that he goes on this rant on numerous pages following the Orlando Massacre in 2016=]
Some say homosexuality harms no one but this is not true. If it was simply about “separation” of church & state that might be 1 thing. But its not:
“Normalizing” same sex relationships & marriage does have a major negative impact, harming hetrosexual families. You may not understand “cause & effect” consquences but by approving same sex lifestyles you have a negative effect on inocent gullible impressionable children. They copy adult behavior.
I call it the “undertow effect” as more children get swept into this behavior. They start with thinking 2 guys kissing or holding hands, etc. is normal behavior & later that its not bad & some take it farther. It will make it easier for gays to recruit more older children right under your nose – cause & effect laws of physics which cannot be broken w/o Jesus in your life=breakdown of the fabric of society just as Jesus prophecied 2000 years ago=spiritually selling & eating your children=acceleration of slavery to sin. The world & the US are making a grave mistake approving gay marriage.
The gay perversion is 1 of the hardest sins to get out of because it goes to the very core of your brain, spirit & being (internal sins are the worst. Its why the Bible calls it an abomination). The gay perversion is like a social cancer. Leave it in place & it will spread though out the body. Its now spreading through out society. Many ways SEEM right but its end=death (Hell, where you live alone forever). Find and carefully study my other posts. They all go together.
There are real reasons for not accepting gay and related behaviors as normal. Thus not all who are against homosexuality are homophobic nor are all whom are against such behaviors coming from hate as a motive.
Pride comes before the fall of a man. Pride parades come before the fall of mankind. However, many confuse TRUTH (upsets & offends many) and HATE. Telling someone the truth does not mean you hate them. Many ways SEEM right but its end=death (Hell).
Sleeping with/marrying your own gender is in effect SLEEPING WITH/MARRYING YOURSELF which equals being LOVER OF SELF which is an abomination [God's VALID REASON against this practice (right vs wrong love)]. It wrongly distorts, merges and blurs God’s male/female creation differences, characteristics, attributes and purpose-Lev 18:22, Rom 1:26-32, 1 Pet 4:3-4: Gal 5:19-21: 1 Cor 6:18-20. Also, even 1 man/1 woman marriages cannot be rightly put together w/o understanding God’s purpose for it (why there are so many divorces).
Accepting, promoting or participating in gay lifestyles are against God. You cannot remain a Christian if you do these things. It mocks God. Jesus was not talking out 2 nor 1000s of sides of His mouth=no confusion. Only one God can occupy true 360 deg infinity and that God is the God of Israel. Two true 360 deg infinities can not exist at the same time. Occupying this position you can never die=no other legit gods can exist.
Also, under the NT slavery (and killing anyone) was never approved. Neither God nor Jesus were ever into race nor were they ever against interracial marriage. What comes from God lasts forever. What comes from man, including his manmade religions & gods die with him. Why should God want you to live with Him forever if you do not want to know Him, His way, not yours?
Because God is real and made Commandments to His true believers, they must in turn not accept anything God does not approve of. In fact, true Christians should only grieve for the families (not the dead) in private or among themselves. They should not do anything publicly that even looks like they support homosexuality (it is called an abomination because it goes to the very core of one's brain and soul, making it one of the hardest sins to get out of=worst sins). We are not even to look like we accept, support and/or we are participating in their sin as that makes it look like we are promoting their sin which the Bible warns us not to do.
In other words, true Christians do not go to gay anything (i.e. clubs, parades, weddings, wakes, funerals, stores, watch gay shows [like the primetime ones aimed at children], movies (drives up ratings) or send your children to Boy Scouts or other organizations, etc. that install gays as leaders or try to get children to see gays as normal.
If a preacher said to kill them he is dead wrong. However, many are making a huge mistake. There is a huge difference between God's true love and worldly ideas of what love is coming from their sin nature and lack of understanding of who God and Jesus are. There is no use praying for the dead - Lk 9:60 (the unsaved are dead already and the dead cannot hear you nor can they do anything to change their status once they are dead); Lk 12:20.
No human is a child of God unless they become a true follower of Jesus = Jn 3:16-*18-21; *36; 1:12-13 = you must turn to Jesus to become a child of God (see Jn 3:3,5 - Nichodemus was a very religious man yet Jesus told him even he must be born anew or he cannot be a child of God. God's true love to the unsaved is to tell them that they need to be born anew and rightly follow Jesus not joining in in acceptance of them as they are. Find and carefully study my other posts (Hos 4:6). They all go together.