Thatcher said, “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Wall Street banksters through the Federal Reserve System (fraud) have been stealing money from Americans since 1913 when the system was illegally started (over a Christmas break while the majority of congress was absent). President Woodrow Wilson was a hundred times more of a traitor to American than Benedict Arnold ever was. The banking cartel couldn't have gotten away with their fraud without complicity from the U.S. President. Thatcher's statement is 100% correct about Socialism. It all boils down to recklessly spending tax-payer's money.
In fact, that's why U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt started all of the social welfare programs in the United States. It was a means for the bankers to rip-off the American people. By lending out billions of dollars in entitlements, all that money was borrowed from PRIVATE BANKS WHO OWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Roosevelt was a 33rd degree Freemason and was the leader who put over 100 occult symbols on the reverse of every U.S. one dollar bill. Between Roosevelt and Hoover (who founded the FBI), America was doomed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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