Bible Apologetics #fundie

My last topic was about the big bang, but evolution always comes up in the conversation. They go hand in hand.
Many Christians buy into this lie. It gives the atheist and Christian common ground. But I feel that this border line heresy.
In the first book of the bible , Genesis, we are told God created man from the dust of the earth, then the birds, land animals, and all water animals and fish. I am paraphrasing of course. But the point is the bible is quiet clear on the order of events and the circumstances covering their and our creation.
I see no proof of macro evolution, one kind changing into another kind. And to say that micro leads to macro is completely unsupported in the fossil records.
It is not science, science is where we show something to be true by observing and testing then reproducing the results in a controlled environment. Bacteria is always thrown out there as proof, but bacteria stays bacteria, virus's stay virus's, dogs stay dogs, etc. etc.
There are different types in the kinds , but there kinds never completely change to a different kind.
The evidence is no where to be seen.
The bible doesn't teach this.
And this in itself is a belief system requiring faith.
So if you have proof, solid proof, then please present it here.



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