
Frank T D’Anna #fundie disqus.com

(from a discussion titled “My dream is coming true: Trump is coming back”):

Your impotent arrogant 'argument' is not with me, but against the Author :
KING of kings and LORD of lords,
Who WAS, IS and IS to come, and will JUDGE the living and the dead !
And what deficient 'deflections' you deploy, as if you can change your chaotic careening course, being entirely entrenched in evil, having been taken captive by satan to do his wicked will, not involuntarily but willingly devil-dancing and satan-serving, everytime your puppet master twitches his filthy finger and sends you off to swallow and spew forth satanic sewage, mindlessly mistaken that you 'have it all figured out' !
You stumble in darkness, not knowing what you are stupidly stumbling over, totally incognizant that you are actually stumbling, all the while seeking self-justification, while wallowing in the quagmire of sinful self-condemnation and self-destruction, damnation and doom !
You have mindlessly missed the right boat, and blindly boarded a sinking ship of foul futile fools !
Pathetic, pitiful and perishing !
Just another lascivious, lecherous luciferian loser !

Kriemhild #homophobia #wingnut #psycho disqus.com

God said He hated homosexuality "exceedingly", He even killed homos Himself. When He appeared with two angels to Abraham and Sarah, and had dinner with them, Abraham tried to persuade Him not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, if He could find any rightrous people in them --- but God could not find even 10 righteous, and sent the angels on their way to destroy the two evil cities. The angels were dressed as normal men, and when the homos of Sodom saw them enter Lot's house, they came and demanded Lot hand them over, so they could rape them. Lot offered his virgin daughters to appease the violent homos, but they weren't interested --- they only wanted the fresh new male victims under Lot's roof, and tried to break the door down..The angels managed to get Lot and his family out of there to safety. Lot's wife turned and looked back, perhaps with nostalgia at leaving her home, and was turned into a pillar of salt --- all peple who show any sympathy for homos should be turned into pillars of salt, or just plain drop dead.
Homos are vicious and violent, and ungodly. They must not be tolerated.

Dean Jackson #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

Sexual orientation is a result of socialization, it's neither a choice or intrinsic. In the case of homosexuals, it's due to child molestation.* For heterosexuals, it's due to the socialization of the child by it's male and female parents, thereby identifying the Satanic nature of the imbecilic 'same-sex marriage' societal sabotage operation.

* "What do Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, George Takei and Milo Yiannopoulos have in common? They are all out and proud gay men, and they were all sexually abused as underage minors. Sadly, this is an extremely common occurrence, as there is frequently a connection between childhood sexual abuse and adult homosexuality.

Victor Justice #wingnut #racist disqus.com

Our beloved Confederate Flag flying high on this beautiful weekend. Too bad that so many good men on BOTH SIDES had to die over lesser men’s greed, unfounded guilt, and utter nonsense!

I think of all of the poor widows and orphans caused by this tyrant Lincoln and his filthy ilk. Our great president Trump was needed back then, but I thank God Almighty for blessing our now Crippled America with him now!

No man has done more for his country than our heroic president, Donald John Trump! Today’s Republican weaklings ride on this beautiful man’s shoulders, instead of learning his ways and making his load more tolerable!

Shame on these cowards! They and their families wouldn’t have JACK, but for the Lord’s amazing grace! Ingrates too the core they are!

Jason Klop #ableist #crackpot #quack disqus.com

The lawyer for a Fraser Valley naturopath facing investigation for his business selling fecal microbiota transplants to families of autistic children argued in a B.C. courtroom Tuesday that his client isn't obligated to follow scientific evidence.

Naturopath Jason Klop was in B.C. Supreme Court petitioning for a judge to order the College of Naturopathic Physicians to end its investigations into his business and lift his ban on manufacturing, advertising and selling pills and enemas made from human feces.

Gratl suggested a lack of scientific evidence for the use of fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) to treat autism isn't necessarily relevant in this case.

In explaining the ban, the college has said Klop may be engaged in conduct unbecoming of a naturopathic physician, but lawyer Jason Gratl argued that's difficult to prove in a field with somewhat nebulous boundaries and relatively few restrictions.

"In certain respects, naturopaths may rely on science, but they are not bound by science," Gratl said.
He explained that naturopathic practices can instead be based on anecdotes or historical knowledge, and later pointed out that the field includes homeopathy, "which some say involves magical thinking [and is] certainly non-scientific at its core."

Right now, FMT is only approved in Canada and the U.S. for treatment of recurrent C. difficile infection that hasn't responded to other therapies, but research is underway into a wide range of other possible applications.

Doctors and scientists have warned that, at the moment, any other use of this emerging therapy is experimental and carries serious risk of infection, while people with autism have denounced Klop's procedure as an unproven treatment that puts vulnerable children in danger.

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

Roger Marks:
Where did you get this strange idea from that homosexuals have no control over their sexual attraction. It has been documented time and time again that they have total control over it.

Jennifer Joyce:
You're not even trying now. That's the stupidest thing you've ever said.
Can YOU control your sexual desire? Could you just decide to be attracted to men right now? No? Then what makes you think it's any different for anyone else?

Roger Marks:
Sorry, but it is obvious you invented the idea of stupid if all you can do is call facts crap as rebuttal.
And yes I can control my sexual desire and always have as I have never raped a woman. I have never forced a woman to have sex with me. I have never had sex with a child I have never had sex with an animal. And I have never had sex with a woman who is not my wife.
All because I control my sexual desires. Now what about that do you not understand?

Anonymous WND Reader #fundie #homophobia #wingnut disqus.com

[Context: Regarding GOP Delegate Wade Kach changing his mind about gay marriage]

kach, hope you lose your job. You are too weak to be in office.
Marriage is an holy ceremony before God. The Bible is very clear on the subject of homosexuality -- Leviticus 18:22. (it is an abomination) If the gays want a civil union thus giving them on the legal rights that they need then do that but leave marriage to what God what it to be - holy and between a man and a woman.
Another big issue is this, the LGBT crowd have got too in-your-face about their choice of lifestyle and I am tired of it. What you do behind closed doors is between you,your partner and God. Just keep it there, stop ramming you beliefs down our throat and our childrens' throats. LGBT crowd in our schools seem to be recriting[sic] or indocrinating[sic] our children into your belief system. Christain are not allowed to say or do anything in school so neither should the LBGT. Moral values and social issues should not be in our schools because in the end the schools have become social engineering camps.

HanosunnesWoom Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut disqus.com

[Context: In response to the H.R. 1 AKA the ‘For the People Act’]

so, the last four years of tolerance and working to heal America were all a LIE as regards Democrats? and with control of all but the Supreme Court, they're doubling down on this scheme to silence Constitutional Patriots? I don't think they'll accomplish this easily, not without scrapping the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all the Amendments added since the Founding. There is Reason for having a Constitution such as ours; it is meant to prevent the totalitarian growth of the federal government by limiting it's actions against the People! It is the culmination of our Independence from the Rule of England. Should these Marxist Socialist/Communists obtain their goal, it is the end of the republic.....

remember Ben Franklin's cautionary note: Upon his arrival outside from a meeting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

...in further writings, Ben had this to say:

“I have so much faith in the general government of the world by Providence that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance [as the framing of the Constitution] ... should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenced, guided, and governed by that omnipotent, omnipresent, and beneficent Ruler in whom all inferior spirits live and move and have their being.”

it surely seems Benjamin Franklin knew full well the importance of a True and Real Governance

Added Alliterative Appeal Award

Frank T D’Anna #fundie disqus.com

Jennifer Joyce:
I see, so you pick and choose the (Bible) translation that contains the most hate and confirmation bias you can? Not concerned with truth at all. I get it.

Frank T D’Anna:
You prance upon these platforms like a prowling predator, thinly disguised as a proud peacock, under the pretensious proclamation of professing to be wise, but proving yourself a futile fool ! PSEUDO-SOPHISTICATE !
Yet, all-the-while perpetually positioning yourself on a precarious precipice, and the perch of your pathetic perishing predicament, preposterously promulgating, "I see."
Being warped, crooked and led astray (perverted by definition), you cannot think, see, hear, smell, taste, feel, walk, talk, behave, or even act straight ! So your mindless misperceptions do not matter, since you already 'mastered' the (dis)ability to UNSEE !
As it is written
(about you and your ilk) :
"Professing themselves as wise, they became fools."
"And when they thought in themselves that they were wise, they became insane."
ROMANS 1:22 {KJV} and
{Aramaic Version in Plain English}
Read ROMANS 1:23-32, to 'see' the rest of your putrid personal profile !
You don't know God,
but most assuredly, He knows you !
Meanwhile, cease and desist parading around as a pitiful, parroting paraiah, 'proceeding' like a clown in the circus !

C. Lee #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “Supreme Court Rules ‘Transgenders,’ Such as Men Who Want to Wear Skirts, Cannot Be Fired in 6-3 Decision”):

If employers feel convicted with God's commandments concerning these things, they are going to have to fire these types of individuals on a different basis, such as work performance. Or...start witnessing to them and either make it unbearable for them to work there or inspire their heart to change.

Strider73 #fundie #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut disqus.com

[RE: Should we pray for God's favor on the Biden administration?]

Not only should we not pray for God's favor on the Harris-Biden regime, we should pray for the total collapse of the federal government (and act in every way possible to make it happen). There is no longer any significant difference between the USA and the late, unlamented USSR. The former needs to be sent to the same dustbin of history that the latter landed in nearly 30 years ago. Only then can liberty return to the conservative regions.

Don't listen to the pessimists and doomsayers who claim a breakup of the USA is impossible. The Soviet Deep State was far more tyrannical than ours, had far more brute force at its disposal, and had an unarmed populace under its jackboot. In the end, it could not save the beast. The Founders knew a time like this could happen here; hence the 2nd Amendment. The "awkward stage" that Claire Wolfe described shortly before the USSR fell is now over.

Since Trump is officially a resident of FL, he can become the 1st president of the independent Dixie Republic. Ron DeSantis and Ron Paul (along with his son Rand) would be excellent alternatives. I would gladly support any of them.

Rick #racist disqus.com

Every black mayor in America is a dictator and a terrorist .
They've destroyed hundreds of the greatest cities in the history of the world .
They shouldn't be allowed to run for any political office in this country again.
They're all complete idiots and corrupt as hell.

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “Mich. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Declares June ‘Pride Month,’ Urges Residents to ‘Promote Self-Affirmation’”):

If governments are not allowed to promote anything Christian as FFRF demand, then governments should not be promoting anything that involves perversion. It is as simple as that and to do otherwise is hypocrisy.

Brian Matthews #fundie #transphobia disqus.com

(from comment on story called “Sixth Circuit Sides With Christian Professor Who Refused to Use Student’s ‘Preferred Pronouns’”)

Was the student following the Golden Rule by the way he treated this professor? No, he did not.

He got this professor in trouble for speaking the truth. Is that loving? No. Is it kind? No.

This student is a man, not a woman, and to force anyone to refer to him as a woman in violation of their conscience and the truth is cruel, wicked, and selfish.

This professor is being punished for referring to a man as a man. That is unjust, and anti Christ.

Don't follow the spirit of anti Christ.

Frank T D’Anna #fundie #conspiracy disqus.com

Evil never really prevails.
It just takes up temporary occupancy, usurping authority under false pretenses, akin to what the demonic, despotic DEMONcratic demagogues, (and their mindless, malcontent, misinformed, misguided, maladjusted, misfit, miscreant marionettes pledging their assinine allegiance) have undertaken by perpetrating their most recent fraudulent scheme !
Sooner or later, the inevitable triumphant outcome is always GOOD over evil, TRUTH over lies, RIGHT over wrong, LIGHT over darkness, HOLINESS over unholiness and RIGHTEOUSNESS over unrighteousness !
As it is written so it IS :
"Do not be deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that he must surely reap."
The lascivious, lecherous, luciferian loser leftists have sown perdition (confusion, chaos, destruction, death and damnation), and they shall reap the whirlwind of misery, agony, anguish, angst, desolation and desperation in darkness and hellfire !
They deserve one another !

WestWins #fundie #racist #conspiracy disqus.com

A cop made a huge mistake. How is this Racism? Happens every single day in Weimerica. White people die too. It's just the News doesn't cover it. I wonder why???!!!

Jennifer Joyce:
You just answered yourself. How is this racism? Because it happens every day in America. And people like you excuse it.

Really. Every single day? People just kill other people because the color of their skin. Right. Ok.

Jennifer Joyce:
It doesn't always result in death, you know this. Sometimes it's just KKK idiots with their posturing, but it still causes people pain.

So the Statistics showing that black people rape and kill white people more than the other doesn't compute in your logical analysis???

WestWins #fundie #racist #conspiracy disqus.com

(on coronavirus)

“In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a public health crisis.”
Says who?!!!
I know of not one single person that has died from this SCAMdemic who wasn't already sick and dieing.
It's the Flu and you are being played. Amazing how many people want to be slaves.

Who says we are in the middle of a public health crisis? So you missed it? President Trump declared the Covid-19 pandemic a national emergency more than two months ago.
BTW, over 100,000 people in the United States have now died from your so-called SCAMdemic, in case you missed that too.

Right...........and we are still looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction ...when it is convenient of course.
And oh yea............Lee Harvey acted alone.

Jennifer Joyce:
I can't believe after all the worldwide carnage there are still people like you calling it the flu.

"Worldwide carnage"...............
Says who?????? Hey..........did you know they are still looking for those Weapons of Mass Destruction?
You believe everything coming out of that TalmudVision? Nice.
You are being played. Whether you know that or not..............Agent or simply Naive.

Vaquero #fundie #wingnut disqus.com

I want free money,
I want free house
I want free car
I want free gas
I want free food
I want free clothing

I want free drink
I want free marijuana
I want a free vacation in Europe
I want free sex with a lot of girls
And I want you to pay for the all of this. On the base being I am a living human being.

Roger Marks #homophobia disqus.com

Jim Hanes:
Homosexuals don't care about you, Roger. They aren't the slightest bit interested. Why would anyone be?

Roger Marks:
If that is the case, why do they keep on trying to shut us up?

Jim Hanes:
How have they tried to shut you up Roger? Serious answers only please.

Roger Marks:
I wil share with you one good example. A friend of mine wrote a very good book about homosexuality. At the book launch which was by invitation only. The homosexual rent a mob invaded the launch banging drums, blowing whistles and shouting obscenities.

WestWins #fundie #racist disqus.com

"Racist" is a term that no one is "buying" anymore.

You people have abused that word to such a degree that it is meaningless.

You ought study -- 4racism DOT org

Why is "racism" always ONLY directed at White people. Only White people are ever racist.

Blacks can have a church where only black people worship. I have been to one by the way. My self and a friend visited one way back in the day. We were the only 2 White people in a room of 100 black people. They didn't throw us out; but no one seemed interested in our presence.

To be honest, I do not have anything in common with black people. We are simply "different". We come from different places. So what?

Muhammed Ali said --- "...Blue birds fly with Blue birds ....... etc., etc.." Ali did not find it natural for a black girl to corrupt her genes by having a child with a non-black person. I don't recall anyone calling Ali "racist".

The sooner the Races of men realize that we were not meant to be together, the sooner this WORLD will be at Peace.

God created us separately and we were to remain "separate". But Adamic man disobeyed and now look at the mess this world is in.

I am most likely not speaking to you -- Jennifer. I get the impression you are not of the Adamic tribe of man.

The Holy Spirit will plant this seed of Truth.

Doug Bristow #fundie disqus.com

This fool will still not humble himself, typical of the left.

What about the fool in the Whitehouse? Has he humbled himself yet?

Doug Bristow:
Daily by putting up with those like you that have a psychotic hatred of him and by working as hard as he can to do what is right by this country and it's citizens; doing it all for free in spite of all the lying and fake garbage that has been piled on him even before he was sworn into office.

Jim Hanes:
No one has a psychotic hatred of Christians merely because we put a TEMPORARY social distancing rule in place to ride out a global pandemic. You look like a well-fed man. Do you also believe people have a psychotic hatred of restaurants since you can't go to all-you-can-eat
buffets for a while?

WestWins #fundie #racist disqus.com

Jennifer Joyce:
Why didn't (God) save anyone from the Muslim hijackers on 9/11?

First -- they weren't "muslim hijackers".
Check out Christopher Bollyn
Second........not sure I understand the nature of your question. Are you trying to "Cancel" God in general simply because there is evil in the world?

Jennifer Joyce:
Yes, they were Muslim hijackers. We know their names.
My question is, where was God when a bunch of innocent lives were lost?
I looked up Christopher Bollyn, who says the Jews were responsible for 9/11. Is that what you're asking me to believe?

That's funny. What won't you believe.

Madfoot713 #conspiracy disqus.com

There is no such thing as white nationalism. It is a made-up word by Zionists to justify why THEY'RE allowed to have a homeland, while Europeans have to be forced to live in "multiculturalism" with the "Jihadists" you pretend to have a problem with.

Nick Fuentes and Michelle Malkin are Americans and if you think that Americans deserve to be treated equivalently to these spooky "Jihadists", then you are anti-American. Simple as.

Brian Matthews #fundie disqus.com

Brian Matthews:
Jesus Christ is LORD. Do you deny that? Yes or no.

Mario Vercotti:
I deny it.

Brian Matthews:
And you will perish. There's nothing I can do about that.

Mario Vercotti:
I’ll take advice about that kind of thing from doctors, not zealots, thanks.

Brian Matthews:
I wasn't giving advice.

Mario Vercotti:
You were threatening me with the rules of your religion which I don’t follow. I do not respect that.

Brian Matthews:
I wasn't threatening you. Why would I do that? I don't even know you.

Is the CDC threatening you by telling you to wash your hands often or you might get sick?
I also don't have a religion.
I was a lost sinner who was saved by God's grace through His Son Jesus Christ, while you have indicated your choice to remain a lost sinner. It's your choice, so why are you mad at me?

Roger Marks #fundie disqus.com

Roger Marks:
A friend of mine wrote a very good book about homosexuality. At the book launch which was by invitation only. The homosexual rent a mob invaded the launch banging drums, blowing whistles and shouting obscenities.

Jim Hanes:
Yep your “friend”. Never has a name and his books never have titles.

Roger Marks:
I know his name and I know the title of the book because I have a copy.

Jim Hanes:
And of course you can't say what either are, because then you'd be providing proof and you only like to give opinions. Could you be any more transparent?

Roger Marks:
I will foolishly cast pearls before swine as I know you will rubbish it because it is the truth so here goes.....
Strained Relations by Bill Muehlenburg.

mrrand #fundie #wingnut disqus.com

The leftist liberal progressives call us the far right. The leftist liberal progressives are the new kids on the street. Their ideology has no foundation under it. They are based on rational thought and reasoning without any guiding principles from millennia of learning, recorded for posterity to not make the same mistakes, for rational thought and reason can run far astray with no foundation under it. We are the center right. We stand on the foundation of the Christian Ethos, based in two millennia of learning, recorded so the mistakes of the past not to be repeated. We reject simple thought and reasoning without lessons from the past as being cast adrift upon the waves of social change, where thought and reason have run far far astray. The leftist liberal progressives have no understand of our values for they have none that are real and truthfully from the nature of creation. We stand where we are firmly based in our principles proven over eons, that have kept us a free and prosperous nation since our founding, and possibly the last free nation on Earth. We are here. We are not far right. We are not understood because those who's ideology would destroy our nation have no scholarship broad enough based in the real truths of the nature of creation to do so. Our Constitution was written for and based upon having a well educated electorate raised in and among the Christian Ethos of guiding principles, and only by teaching our children well and giving the discerning ethos of well founded principles to guide their lives will we survive as a free and prosperous nation.

ISA41:10 #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on the story “NY Gov. Cuomo: ‘Worship Services’ Are ‘Canceled,’ According to Guidance Document”):

The LYING Liberal Media and the Demonrats are wanting to keep America shut down for several reasons.

1. The vote by mail fraud they are pushing.

2. They seen how most pastors ran and hide, so they see their chance to remove religious freedom. Then Demonrats pushed freedom to worship. Now freedom to video stream. And all the brave pastors said thank you lord governor.

Pastors are disobeying the Word of God by not assembling together and NO video streaming is NOT assembling together. Pastors have becomes servants to men and not God Hebrews 10:25

And don't try and tell me Romans 13:1-7 applies because it does NOT! When man tells us to disobey the Word of God we are NOT to obey man, PERIOD!!!

Jesus also told us to 'GO" and Preach and spread the Word of God (Matt 28) not to sit at home remain under our beds, thumbs in mouths, until the likes of Cuomo, Fauci, Birks, Whitmer and all the other Demonrat liars would tell us--order us--to slowly (masks & gloves on, of course) & carefully emerge blinking into our "new normal" existence.

Christians today are playing Church and not being the church...........It is quite obvious!!!!

Susan #racist disqus.com

If blacks had any dignity, intelligence, or fortitude, they would have designed and built their own civilizations. In the last hundred years, they've been handed, by whites, trillions of dollars and endless opportunity. They could have built their own societies with our resources. They didn't because they're dumb, indolent, and mainly just dumb!!

Piltdown911 #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia disqus.com

So the moon is made of green cheese, Selenography is science.
It is a known fact that American Psychological Association was "lobbied" by pro-gay people to get what they wanted.

Jennifer Joyce:
Selenography is the study of the surface and physical features of the Moon. The green cheese part is all yours, not science.
Gay people did lobby the APA, but that's not why the APA made changes. The APA made changes because of better data. Science doesn't care what people want.

Science denier.
"What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from
the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss." - Behaviorism and Mental Health

Jennifer Joyce:
Science denier?
This is from dictionary dot com.
selenography: the branch of astronomy that deals with the charting of the moon's surface.
See? No mention of green cheese. That's you, that's not science.
And your quote isn't from Behaviorism and Mental Health, it by a bigot named Phil Hickey who wrote a long-debunked tommyrot called "Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away".
From the National Library of Medicine: "In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of “homosexuality” from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal. In an effort to explain how that decision came about, this paper reviews some historical scientific theories and arguments that first led to the placement of homosexuality in DSM-I and DSM-II as well as alternative theories that eventually led to its removal from DSM III and subsequent editions of the manual."
Obviously "this paper" is too long to reproduce here, but since you've shown how good you are at manipulating data, you should have no trouble with a simple google search. Simply look for "Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality".

How good I am at manipulating data?
Answer this, why is there always a male and female role in gay relationships? Don't insult yourself by denying there is, I've seen it repeatedly.
Homosexuality is a deviance no different that pedophilia.

WestWins #fundie #racist disqus.com

(commenting on story “Minneapolis Burning: Violence, Riots Break out in City Following the Killing of George Floyd by Police”):

Chuck Anziulewicz:
While I'm sure most of the people who voted for Trump in 2016 do not think of themselves as racist (and I'm trying to be generous about that), the fact remains that ALL of the white supremacist groups, white nationalists, militia groups, "Proud Boys" and such were 100% solidly behind Trump. THOSE were the "deplorables" Hillary spoke of. And with Trump's election, they feel validated and empowered. There's no getting around this. And when things happen like what happened to George Floyd, I'm tempted to think that those same deplorables have infiltrated police forces all over America in an effort to foment a race war. This is just ONE of the reasons I'm voting against Donald Trump.

Odd comment. What does Racism have to do with this story? And what is a White Supremacist exactly? Is that different from a White Nationalist?
Are the Chinese in China Supremacists?

Divide, divide, divide. Race, politics, social standing, etc.

True.......but only in White Nations. Or I should say "formerly" White Nations. Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans..."Western Civilization" open to everyone!
Watch.......someone will call me "racist" for pointing out the fact that Western Civilization was predominatly white. Europeans are on the chopping block of humanity.