[On the possibility of a Canadian federal election. Morgenthaler was a crusader for abortion rights.]
Next elections I don't know who to vote for.
I have nobody to vote for.
The Conservatives allow Morgenthaler to get the Order of Canada and allow the Canadian Army to participate in the Toronto gay parade.
The Conservatives were the last hope for Canada, that's down the drain now.
The country is finished. Sodom and Gommorah in the great white north.
It takes a miracle and repentance to change things around.
Alright, let's see God wipe Canada off the map. I mean, he's omnipotent, right? And he's been wiping sinning countries and cities off the map all the time lately...
What, you mean The Netherlands, San Francisco and Las Vegas still exist? And God hasn't 'smote' anyone in HOW long?
Mabe when you get to be all growed up, you'll see that other people have ideas that may be different from your narrow-mindedness. At some point, you have to let them live their lives. You know, like we do with you. As stupid as you are, we have to let you be a moron.
Yeah, our economy is booming, our citizens are healthy, we have one of the highest standards of living in the world, immigrants are flocking to our shores for a better life, but just think how much better we could be if we got rid of all those homoqueers and abortokillers.
If we're so bad then why not go to a country where abortion and homosexuality are illegal. I hear the third world is looking for educated people, pity you won't be one of them.
Most Canadians are sane, sensible, intelligent people. Sorry, Happy Camper, but you happen to live in a secular nation that has little tolerance for intolerance.
I'm all for woman's and gay rights, but I don't think this dude realizes that the conservatives are a minority government right now, meaning that they're not really "allowing" anything, just forced to tolerate it because the NDP and liberals have equal control.
I was waiting for some comment on Dr. Morgenthaler getting the Order of Canada. The conservatards have been having a field day on several news comment blogs up here. The comments all boil down to the same thing: "We're giving the country's greatest honor to a baby killer!"
Newsflash people, a blastocyst is not a baby.
I can hope that this will keep some of those fundies out of Canada. We have enough of our own. Oh wait, Happy Camper is one of ours. Canada is slightly less crazy than the United States is. We have aboot 25% non-believers, eh. The United States has aboot 15% non-believers. So, Happy Camper, why don't you move somewhere else?
I knew that the fundies would get all upset about Dr. Morgentaler getting the Order of Canada. But Prime Minister Harper has no input to who gets the Order. Not his fault, eh.
And the government does not have any say in whether or not the Canadian Armed Forces, not the Canadian Army, participates in a gay parade. The Canadian Armed Forces are probably using their presence in the gay parade to recruit. I am sure a homosexual fights just as well as a heterosexual.
The country is not finished. We are doing very well with our economy, liberal attitudes and public health care. We don't execute our criminals like the very religious countries do. Like the United States, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
I wish the fundies would learn how to spell. Gommorah is Gomorrah and Morgenthaler is Morgentaler. I know how to spell Gomorrah and I am an atheist.
The TRUE North is RED and white. Yah joost aboot git wut I mean, eh?
"The Conservatives were the last hope for Canada, that's down the drain now."
Actually, the Conservatives are the only hope for Canada; they aren't too politically conservative, nor are they too morally conservative (I say this because it is possible to be morally conservative without being right wing, e.g. Stalin's regime), and they are not liberal hypocrites.
They have the right idea.
I wouldn't mind a Canadian running the U.K. really, since they'd do just as good a job as David Cameron or Sen. Obama(but that's just *my* opinion).
Still, Happy Camper, do you like camping? I guess you do by your name. So please, go off into the woods and get raped and killed by a grizzly bear.
Thank you!
There's still hope for you Happy Camper: move here to America, where bigots like you are not only plentiful, but pandered to! It's the place where dreams can come true...assuming that they consist entirely of voicing hatred behind the protective veil of religious expression...
Not a happy camper because you can't force your particular brand of intolerance of everyone else? God forbid that women have rights to own their bodies and that gays don't need to hide for fear of being lynched!
Don't vote - nobody really cares.
It takes a miracle and repentance to change things around.
Lemme see, do y'all make them thar Miracle brand clue bats from good solid maple up yonder in Canuckistan? Happy Camper is asking for a treatment.
"It takes a miracle and repentance to change things around."
No, it takes action on the part of human beings.
@Cosmic Muffin
as an Albertan, I am pleased to tell you that I don't find it in the least fortunate. however, I don't really have to deal with it much on a day-to-day basis, so I guess I don't have it as bad as some.
another Canadian appears to be upset about this as well. Father Lucien Larre, an RCC priest who was awarded the Order of Canada for his work with troubled youth, has returned it because he does not want to be associated with Morgentaler. In 1992 Larre was convicted of two counts of child abuse. In 1998 he registered as a psychologist. Last November the B.C. College of Psychologists suspended his registration pending a disciplinary hearing because it felt he posed "an immediate risk to the public."
I agree that I have nobody to vote for, Harpers just Bush's butt-boy and Dion's worse than Cretien. Fuck does that man have the slightest clue of what's going on?
I don't know, I guess I could go Green or NDP, but my area will end up conservative no matter how I vote.
@ Cosmic Muffin
I can tell you that I have met more racism here in tolerant 'Vancouver' than I ever saw in Alberta. My SO is Asian (along with about 50% of Vancouver) and he's been insulted more here than he ever was in Calgary.
I'm tired of the Alberta stereotype, it isn't true. I'd move back to Calgary in a second.
Yeah, I don't get the bias against us Albertans. Yes, the province is largely conservative, but Calgary is generally a pretty nice, and accommodating place to live. I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive here... -_-
But I digress. We have our Bible thumpers here, but it's not *THAT* skewed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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