"Every particle of matter is made up of living organisms? How fuct are you carico? Let me count the ways...."
946 quadrillion~nano-da!
Nano-Nano Pudding, from the anime series "Galaxy Angel Rune", consists of nanomachines (she was created by Vanilla H, who can manipulate such; also heal any lifeform via such).
PROTIP: "Galaxy Angel Rune" is not a documentary, Carico.
"Yes Kids carico IS that stupid. Fundamentally unlearned on all subjects.
her 39 years of atheism, her 20 years study of ToE, and she STILL cant get the basics right.
Fortunately CARM now has an ignore function."
And here it is:
"Yes, and Jedi Knights* are able to focus all those micro-organisms into the Force!
Carico has the inside scoop on Mitachlorians!"
'The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural.'
-Chancellor Palpatine
So there you have it. Carico admits (and thus condemns out of her own mouth) that her beliefs - and the basis of such: God - are evil.
And we know who Palpatine really is, don't we kiddies!
*- Actually, it was Darth Plagueis the Wise who had the knowledge - and the ability - to manipulate Midichlorians to create life (demonstrated in the form of Anakin Skywalker, via Shmi Skywalker; a virgin birth). Re. the quote by Palpatine (who of course was Plagueis' Sith apprentice), by definition Jedi would consider the act of doing so to be anathema to them.
[/pedantic nerd]