David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
There is an AGENDA at work in America today to demonize whites, deliberately causing a race war. The reason is to destabilize society any way possible; which is why the Rockefellers engineered women; and our court system is so corrupt, hellbent on robbing fathers and husbands of their rightful authority given by God. Social engineers create the crisis and then offer their New World Order solution. Feminism's solution is immoral lesbianism and abortion to destabilize the family. Racism's solution is communist Affirmative Action and open borders to destabilize the country. The CIA's llegal drug trafficking in the U.S. works to imprison more Americans, confiscate their assets, and destabilize society.
There is so much happening today that is all cause, reaction, solution based; the criminals causing the crisis are offering the solutions. They planned and orchestrated the 911 attacks so we'd give up our rights and go along with the Afghan and Iraqi wars. Then they blamed Muslims and most people bought into that lie. America has become a dungheap of wickedness.