MessianicServant #fundie
Buddha is a disgusting human being. Atheists like to claim that they have no god, but this is not true - Buddha is their god, and atheism is simply another form of Buddhism. Buddha is the founder of atheism. Buddha was the first major religious thinker to found a religion or system of belief on the concept of atheism. He rejected every concept of god and instead taught a humanistic doctrine of "right living." However, we know that the Buddha's life was anything BUT right. For one thing, Buddha abandoned his wife and child so that he could go sit under a tree and think about the meaning of life. It's funny that you never hear about Mrs. Buddha and Baby Buddha in secular history books; the atheists do not want the crass lifestyle of their founder to be exposed to public scrutiny. The Buddha was also dishonest. He was a notorious freeloader. He would wander around India in a loincloth and beg from town to town to avoid doing a hard day's work. We know that Jesus was a hard working man. He grew up as a carpenter, and he could swing a hammer like nobody's business. The Buddha died a shameful death. No noble sacrifice, no famous last words, and certainly no resurrection. He just choked to death on some rotten pork. What kind of a role model is that?
Buddha spent his life contemplating the nature of suffering and thought he was pretty clever for doing this. But you know what? God was even more clever than Buddha was. When Buddha died, he came before the Great White Throne and was judged for his sins. He was asked why he rejected Christ, and when he could provide no answer, Jesus escorted Buddha to the brink of the Lake of Fire and threw him in. Buddha liked contemplating the nature of suffering, so Jesus gave him an eternity in the firey pits of hell to contemplate his favorite subject - suffering. Buddha did not escape from suffering; instead, suffering is all he knows, as the flames lap at his soul and burn him endlessly like a dry, cracked leaf caught in a forest fire. The Buddha is crying for mercy right now, but he will receive NONE. He rejected God, so God rejected him. Buddha's pain will never end, and his philosophy of "right living" will not help him escape the flames of hell.
Atheists, if you don't recognize the error of your thinking and turn to Christ from salvation, you will spend eternity with your god, Buddha. That is not a place you want to be.