Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

The cornersone of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy

They all have long noses.

They are the (allegorical) reptilians. When they get a nose job they become "shape shifters." They aren't aliens, they are simply genetically evil men. They fully understand eugenics and hide the science from the rest of the world out of self-preservation.

In the late 1700s physiognomy (the science of "face reading") was considered an exact science with 100% accuracy. Then Freemasonry was formed, the world went to war, the Jews found their genetic allies, and evil began to infect society. 200 years later the world has fallen into a pit of hell ruled almost exclusively by evil men.

Notice there are no profile pictures on this website: [link to]

There's a damn good reason. They are good at covering their tracks, but if you run a Google Images search for famous Freemasons it becomes obvious. The truth is as plain as the nose on your face.

The world is a race war, but only one side is fighting. It is time for the good people of the world to wake up before it is too late.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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