[Re. a woman who was beaten and sexually assaulted by a man whom she gave a ride to the hospital.]
What probably happened was that the black was on the prowl. He was probably monitoring the area waiting for an opportunity. Blacks have a predatory nature. He had a relative in the hospital too, and emotional stress will overwhelm the thin veneer of civilization, the week inhibitions against their real nature. IN Africa, he would think it was normal to go out, kill, rape and then eat someone when he needed to feel better. That is their true nature. They are not just cannibals though, they are spiritual cannibals. They feed off of the pain and suffering they inflict on others. This is why it is the NORM for black crime to be aimed at a random stranger. While white crime almost always involves a conflict and a failure to resolve it, a huge percentage of black crime is random violence, violence for it's own sake, violence for the purpose of PLEASURE or to release tension. As a group, they are feeding off of the havoc and humiliation that the creature in the white house is wreaking.They hate white society and white people because of the strain of living under white norms.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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