It's more science than Darwin !
Creation happens can do scientific experiments !
Can't do dat wif Darwin-baby.....
(cause it's not science....just myth)
Dragon, I'm saying the same thing.
If we had tags on the themes, I think a spreadsheet would show a definite spike in "pot and kettle" and "WTF" quotes this month. I keep hoping it will abate, but it just won't stop!!
I think... I think he's saying... um... Hmm... Er...
""It's more science than Darwin !"
The problem lies not in the man, but in science itself.
"Creation happens can do scientific experiments !"
It's easy to prove creation, as it is constantly occurring. Even science could prove it if it ever got around to doing the experiments.
"Can't do dat wif Darwin-baby.....
(cause it's not science....just myth)"
You can't do that with Darwin's theory of evolution because it is pure myth, not actual science.
Well, it might be wrong, but that's my attempt to translate it...
Dragon, I pretty much agree with your translation... except I think when they say "It's more science than Darwin!" they mean "Creationism is more scientific than 'Darwinism,' i.e. the theory of evolution," not anything to do with Darwin himself.
He does support his claim with some pretty sound (lol) evidence. Makes it sound like it comes from a real gosh-darn science book and everything. But when you track down the source, it is in reality:
"Maddox, Barny T. Human Genome Project, Quantitative Disproof of Evolution. CEM Facts Sheet."
CEM as in Creation Evidence Museum.
He's quoting from a friggin' Creation pamphlet written by a urologist!
Witness the awesome science for yourself:
“It's more science than Darwin !”
Creationism is not science. Just myth that dresses up as an academic for Halloween.
“Creation happens can do scientific experiments !”
You need to define ‘Creation’ in this context, and tell us what aspect of that can be reproduced in an experiment.
Of course, the most IMPORTANT part of creationism is that it needs Genesis to be historical. So you’d need an experiment to show a dirt sculpture can be animated and become ‘alive.’
Also might be nice to show that morality can be transmitted through fruit.
“Can't do dat wif Darwin-baby.....”
Ah. The part of science that requires ‘repeatable observation’ should not be confused with any attempt to ‘repeat this in a lab.’
So, yes, you can do that with evolution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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