Carico #fundie

We all know that the theory of evolution was the product of the imagination of Charles Darwin. Darwin imagined that humans descended from apes. He hadn't even found a skull or a bone about which he could make up new stories when he formulated this theory. That is a fact. Yet Evolutionists always claim that God is a figment of the imaginations of Christians.

But Jesus showed us that God exists and the only defense that atheists have against that is denying it. So evolution is an imaginary belief and Christianity comes from outside the imagination from the words and actions of Jesus.

And this is how Satan deceives us into believing that the imagination is the truth and outside evidence is a lie. Apes don't breed humans in reality. But the lie that they do leads to other lies like making up Jewish history and other circumstances in Jerusalem other than what was documented.

This lie also leads evolutionists to claim that evolving isn't improvement but digression, (thus contradicting the original theory), that animals turn into other animals, that humans are animals when we rule over all animals and can outsmart or kill any animal, that bestiality is sex between humans and that humans can breed descendants who will turn into anything from aliens to tube worms!

These lies have now gone from the world of fantasy to irrationality. And yet evolutionists will still continue to make irrational statemements like those above, invent new lies about history and pre-history in order to deny God. That just proves the degree of irrationality that one has to descend to deny God. It isn't even in the rhealm of reality.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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