I'm sure Papabear will get to this, and in a much more eloquent and effective manner, but there's just too much here to refute in a single paragraph.
""We all know that the theory of evolution was the product of the imagination of Charles Darwin. Darwin imagined that humans descended from apes. He hadn't even found a skull or a bone about which he could make up new stories when he formulated this theory. That is a fact.
Darwin's initial theory, and correct me if I'm wrong, was simply that animals mutate to better survive in their environment. The ape-to-human thing was developed later in the process, after the theory had been observed, tested, and thought deeply about. It's a natural progression of the idea; apes needed to be smarter in order to survive and grow, and they became smarter. They needed to be able to manipulate tools, and they did so. They needed to be able to run from their enemies more quickly and efficiently, and so their spines straightened so that they could do so. It isn't that difficult of a concept to wrap your head around, unless your head is too small or too inflexible to do so.
"That is a fact. Yet Evolutionists always claim that God is a figment of the imaginations of Christians."
No, athiests claim that, and about followers of every religion. Those who understand and accept the Theory of Evolution have found it pretty easy to accept both Christianity and evolution; if you can accept that the Bible isn't 100% without error, exaggeration, or falsity, evolution doesn't interfere with it. But, Carico, I suppose you wouldn't be a Fundie if you didn't take your book literally.
"But Jesus showed us that God exists and the only defense that atheists have against that is denying it."
The truth of the matter is, there are no records of a religious leader by the name of Jesus of Nazareth, no records of his actions, movements, words, or execution, besides those in a book that also claims him to be a god. Personally? I can accept that a good-hearted Jewish reformer lived and died in the hope that people would be nicer to eachother, and only wish that more people would actually listen to him, and not his crazy-ass "dad."
"So evolution is an imaginary belief and Christianity comes from outside the imagination from the words and actions of Jesus."
So Christianity is an imaginary belief, and the Theory of Evolution comes from outside the imagination, from the words, actions, observations, tests, and ideas of countless intelligent men and women who are paid to think about these sorts of things.
"And this is how Satan deceives us into believing that the imagination is the truth and outside evidence is a lie. Apes don't breed humans in reality."
Not without a few million years of mutations, no. Well, except for the part where humans are still apes.
"But the lie that they do leads to other lies like making up Jewish history and other circumstances in Jerusalem other than what was documented."
...No clue where that came from. I'll chalk it up to you being Carico, and therefore batshit insane.
"This lie also leads evolutionists to claim that evolving isn't improvement but digression, (thus contradicting the original theory).."
Contradicting it? Where on earth did you get the idea that evolution was an explicit improvement? Sure, it's usually the positive mutations that make a species what it is, but that's mainly because the negative ones cause said mutants to die out. Stop reading X-Men.
"...that animals turn into other animals..."
Over hundreds of thousands of years, normally, but it depends on the complexity of the creature in question.
"...that humans are animals when we rule over all animals and can outsmart or kill any animal..."
We're smart animals that can manipulate tools effectively enough to ward off and even dominate predators, thus putting us at the top of the food chain. Without our toys, we're still just pink, two-legged chew toys, lady.
"...that bestiality is sex between humans..."
What is up with you fundies and bestiality?
"...and that humans can breed descendants who will turn into anything from aliens to tube worms!"
Technically, once we finally get around to colonizing other planets, any child born on them would, in fact, be an alien. As for tube worms...
"These lies have now gone from the world of fantasy to irrationality. And yet evolutionists will still continue to make irrational statemements like those above, invent new lies about history and pre-history in order to deny God."
Evolution =/= Archaeology, Geology, or Theology. Evolution isn't about the origin of life. Evolution doesn't care one way or the other about the existence of a god, and isn't affected by the presence of or absence of one either way.
"That just proves the degree of irrationality that one has to descend to deny God. It isn't even in the rhealm of reality."
Carico, you're an idiot, an ignorant, delusional bitch with no idea of what the hell you're talking about, and those are some of the nicer things I can say about you. I just hope that, in real life, you're not as obtuse, stubborn, and blatantly stupid as you are online, because if you are, the only future you have before you is a long, lonely, empty one with nothing but your mad ravings to help you through it.