Don Croft #conspiracy

We got started in 2001 with a strong feeling and impression that it was important to close some portals to reptilian hives around the world and that's one reason we went to Namibia and also why some Europeans went to Malta in that year. Malta is the place in the world where there are the most stories of interactions between humans and reptilians and all of them involve unpleasantness underground.

Jean, who has a big mailing list and sends around some interesting stuff from time to time, sent this yesterday: ... geles.html

I like it because it was published in 1934, long before there was censorship and disinformation around the subject of reptilians. It also helped me appreciate why LA is the only place I've ever seen the reptile eyes in people [Image Can Not Be Found] and I now wonder if CERN is a major reptilian interface with the ancient Vatican/London hierarchy--I guess we'll know sooner or later.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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