Yes, but I think the gay couples should be tested if they are suitable for having children. If they are only gay in sexual preference and can handle raising a child in a normal way then sure.
If they are uber gay, then no. Not even orphan children. By uber gay I mean you can tell they are homosexuals just by looking at them.
Wait, Sublime may have something there. If we call fundies uber gay, then they are not allowed to adopt, if we follow Sublime's logic. He/she/it never mentioned who's definition to use.
Jesus, what an asshat! Any given day in any grocery store across the country you can see examples of het couples who should never, ever been allowed to breed, yet they pop out babies one after another. Some of them shouldn't be allowed to have a parakeet much less a child.
And does this person really think adoption agencies don't put couples, gay or straight, through rigorous background checks?
*tears hair*
Pfft, what are you talking about, their homosexuality is ambiguous , not flamingly obvious!
"Gay only in sexual preference"? "Raising a child in the normal way?" As opposed to what, with a firm foundation in fashion design? 9_9
I'm all for parenting tests, as long as they apply to EVERYONE withou bias.
I can't stop thinking about an article in the paper a couple of weeks ago, where a car driven by a drunk 17 year old girl crashed into some guy's house. The passengers included 3 15-18 year old girls, and a 19 year old mother who was holding her 8 month old baby on her lap in the front seat . No seatbelts or any kind of proetection for the baby.
Amazingly, the kid survived.
But the neglect shown by getting into a car driven by a drunk teen, holding a little baby on your fucking lap... this bitch should have been stripped of the kid immediately -- at least it would have a better chance then.
Sorry, but that just gets me angry. And Sublime thinks that's better than uber-gays(chuckle)? Idiot.
But the neglect shown by getting into a car driven by a drunk teen, holding a little baby on your fucking lap... this bitch should have been stripped of the kid immediately -- at least it would have a better chance then. Hey, at least the mother wasn't uber-gay.
Yes, but I think the Christian couples should be tested if they are suitable for having children. If they are only Christian in sane proportions and can handle raising a child in a normal way then sure.
If they are uber fundies, then no. Not even orphan children. By uber fundie I mean you can tell they are fundie just by looking at them.
Yanno, there's something to be said for that!
"Yes, but I think the gay couples should be tested if they are suitable for having children."
I agree. However, I'd extend that to include all parents.
Actually, I'd never write a law like that; civil rights don't need to be any more infringed than they already are. But I'd think about it.
"Gay only in sexual preference"? "Raising a child in the normal way?" As opposed to what, with a firm foundation in fashion design? 9_9
Better fashion design than intelligent design, with the former you can make an honest living (of course, the latter trade in bovine byproducts makes Hovind 1+ million/year and entitles him to avoid paying taxes in his opinion...)
Yes, but I think the bigoted couples should be tested if they are suitable for having children. If they are only bigoted in a minor, misguided sense and can handle raising a child in a normal way, then sure.
If they are uber-bigoted, then no. Not even orphan children. By uber-bigoted, I mean you can tell they are bigots just by listening to them.
Sublime, what the heck is wrong with you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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