It will lead to christian persecution.
Um, no. No it won't. Accepting that some people have different sexual prefrences than you do does not mean you can't be Christian (capital C for a proper noun, by the way).
Gay acceptance and christianity do not mix.
Sure it does. That whole "judge not lest ye be judged" thingy. I realize it's a radical concept that No True Christian (tm) would accept. Granted, it was said by your savior, but, what does that matter?
It will become policy that religious freedoms will be further decreased.
No it won't. Any more than allowing non-Christians in the military has. For example, I'm an atheist serving in the Navy, and yet, every one of my Christian co-workers is still free to practice their Christianity.
Sensitivity training
I actually hear you on this one. The Navy is big on sensitivity training. Gets kind of annoying after awhile.
...hate crimes...
Yep. Hate crimes should be prosecuted. Granted, as far as I'm concerned, any violent crime should be considered a hate crime.
yes, persecution of Christians in this country is coming.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, because I know you were looking forward to it, but there is no persecution of Christians in the U.S., there never has been persecution of Christians in the U.S., and there likely never will be persecution of Christians in the U.S.