You cannot apply today's laws to something that happened over 40 years ago. The Hague Convention of 1930 supersedes US adoption laws while they reinforce Indonesian adoption laws in this case.
In 1960 it would have been impossible for a white girl/woman to give birth to a bastard halfbreed colored child. It just didn't happen. She could have been admitted to an ALL WHITE hospital to have her colored child aborted and that was it. No ALL WHITE hospital would allow a colored child in their ALL WHITE nursery.
Barry claims he was born in Hawaii yet in his book he places his mother at Harvard trying to get his father to marry her. That in itself sounds fishy as well since there was NO SUCH THING as a biracial marriage in the early 60. Forget the fact that bigamy was illegal in both Kenya and the United States.
Barry's mother had to leave the country before Barry was born. A white hospital would never have allowed a colored baby to be born in their ALL WHITE hospital.
A white woman would have never been allowed to be seen in public with a colored man. We also know that from his birth up until he was 10 years old he lived either in Kenya or in Indonesia. Since we have documented evidence that Barry was adopted when he was 4 we know that he spent the first 3 possibly 4 years of his life in Kenya and the next 6 to 7 years in Indonesia.
That still leaves the FACT that once Barry's adoption by Lolo Soetoro was finalized his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro as documented by his school records and his place of birth was legally changed to Indonesia.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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