Science, or better said sorcery, has told us that some defiant people are just born that way, but ask any that has come back from their defiance, and you will know that the sorcerers are just grasping at straws on this topic.
As a Sorceror with 5 dots in the Spheres of Entropy, Life, and Prime, I take offense to you pairing me with the Technocracy, you Nephandi scum!
As a 20th Level Sorceror, I cast Fireball at your face!
Science = sorcery?
This anti-knowledge attitude is getting way out of hand. I mean, come on, "sorcery?" I really hope you fundies who believe this stop using your computers, cell phones, TV's, modern medicine, cars, and anything else invented by and made better by scientists.
And anyone who's "come back" from being gay is just deluding themselves.
I assume he is talking about homosexuality? If he is, when you talk to people who have supposedly reformed, you know that they are unhappy, unfulfilled, and certainly only abstaining. They are not all of a sudden heterosexual.
Sorcery, by definition (anthropological definition) is an magical act geared towards harming an individual, or manipulating them against their will.
Science, most commonly, is any phenomenal act geared towards understanding a situation and developing a beneficial addition for it.
Do you see the difference Almighty's Humble Servant? Sorcery - bad, science - good.
Oh, who am I kidding. You don't know jack shit about anything.
Sorcerers? Seriously?
Same-sex attraction doesn't just suddenly appear in "defiant" adults. It goes back to the earliest attractions in the pre-teen or teen years for most gay people, long before they even know enough for you to accuse them of defiance. In other words, they ARE "just born that way".
Arthur C. Clarke's fundamental theory states that any sufficiently advanced society will have technology that will be indistinguishable from magic.
It's funny that we have that society within society right here on earth.
Some people are too fucking stupid to live.
If science is sorcery to you then you are one of those people.
Sadly, idiots like that can vote. Sadder still, they are likely raising children to be as stupid as they are.
"Science, or better said sorcery..."
That "sorcery" you speak of helped us come up with computers and the internet. Why are you using both? HEATHEN!
"...but ask any that has come back from their defiance, and you will know that the sorcerers are just grasping at straws on this topic."
Provide you examples of many who haven't truly "come back from their defiance" and state that doing so does not work, and you'll ignore them and continue to rant about how much you hate society whilst enjoying all it's benefits.
You puritans are a funny bunch.
I actually find it quite amusing, the way people like this equate things they don't like.
It's like:
"I don't like science, and I don't like sorcery, therefore, science = sorcery"
Strange, but amusing.
@Big Jilm
Tsk tsk, that's Awakened magic, sorcerers use Linear magic.
Also, you should pick up some Correspondence; then you can punch people (like this putz) over an Internet connection!
If you consider a bisexual in a monogamous relationship then that relationship is either with a member of the same sex, hence they are "gay", or with one of the opposite sex, making them "straight".
Now consider that they break up with that partner, and later find them selves in a new relationship with someone of the opposite sex to their ex. This would mean from your perspective that they've either "come straight" or "gone gay", when all they've really done is be what they always were.
Sexuality is a continuum, not a set of convenient pigeonholes for you to label with your prejudices and people are born with a predisposition to a certain kind of sexuality. An innate tendency does not mean that a particular behaviour is inevitable, nor that it is impossible to condition oneself - or be conditioned - to overcome it. You can be born left-handed yet be taught to always favour your right (as many people were for well over a century).
People are what they are, and it is not a sin or an abomination to be that way. Homosexuality is natural in that it occurs in nature and natural in that it forms part of many people's innate nature. It clearly has a genetic component though like most human behavioural traits it is equally clearly not solely determined by genetics.
The only people "grasping at straws" here are the people who are building the strawmen. And they are not the scientists.
On most days there's at least one that makes me laugh out loud. This one was great.
EDIT: This guy is an idiot who belongs deep in the enchanted woods of some Carolingian feudal estate, but he appears not to be an asshole, in the sense that he has hope that gays will have merely to wait through purgatory and reach heaven. I maintain that Catholics aren't as filled with raw hate as Protestant zealots.
Christianity, or better said bullshit, has told us that some flawed thinkers are just born that way, but ask any that has come back from their closed-minded way of thinking and reected religious dogma, and you will know that the bullshitters are just grasping at straws.
Well, assuming that science is all wrong, aren't people born with certain traits because god made them that way? And doesn't god have a plan for everyone? And isn't every "naturally" explained phenomena actually god's work?
So defiant individuals are just acting according to god's will.
You can't have it both ways; god can't be omniscient/omnipotent yet not be responsible for his creations at the same time.
Sorcery failed to produce the transistor with which you have just exposed your worthless, pathetic stupidity.
Thanks for the laugh, dipshit.
Yes, it was people like you who executed scientists, thus further extending the dark ages.
BTW, if science is sorcery then why the fuck are you using a computer, which is product of science? Gasp, you're guilty of witchcraft!!!!!!!!!
Alright if science is sorcery, then sell your house, car, cell phone and all the furniture, clothes and move to live off the grid in the middle of nowhere with only a homemade bow and arrow or spear in log cabin you built yourself with homemade tools wearing home stitched clothes.
Since after all everything is a product of science from your computer to your car, to even your cooking pans (more so if it's coated in Teflon), or even your clothes if they are made of stuff like Nylon or polyester (also the dyes are mostly artificial as well.)
"Science...has told us that some defiant people are just born that way, but ask any that has come back from their defiance..."
You mean all those "ex-gays" who are now just celebate? Or like the Exodus International "ex-gay" chairman who was found flirting with men in a gay bar?
Or the thousands of gay people who, if they don't want to be hated and ostricisized, know they could full-well just stop being gay if that were true.
Science, or better said sorcery
While it is true that words tend to change meaning over time, these two particular words still retain the meaning they've had for awhile. You cannot just decide on your own to change them. Science and sorcery are completely opposite concepts - they're not even the same kind of concept! Please buy a dictionary and start using it.
You follow a creed that says your prophet had magical powers, came back from the dead and that you can telepathically communicate with your God by ritualistically sending him messages.
And scientists are the ones who believe in sorcery in your dimbulb view of reality?
Get the f**k out of my sorcery ring*!
I had no idea s/he was talking about gays, until I read the comments. I thought it was about people with ADD or something like that. In what way is homosexuality "defiance"?
* The internet.
@ #1113793 Big Jilm
> As a 20th Level Sorceror, I cast Fireball at your face!
Hah! Here's my sourcerous - er, sorcerous magic response to this guy:
return false;
I thought long and hard over a period of several long drawn out micro-seconds. Shall I remain defiant or shall I drool happily and contentedly forever and be comforted with a warm and fuzzy feeling permeating my very being as I allow myself to become a foul-mouthed mouthpiece for the vile Hill Billy God of hatred and Mammon.
At long last I made my decision, I would remain defiant and be true to the world of the occult. With a wizardly waggle of my sorcerous fingers and a magic incantation or two, I chose to lend my support to the cause of sorcery and switched on my computer.
Sorcery- using words to cause rain or otherwise bring good fortune.
Prayer - using words to cause rain or otherwise bring good fortune.
Science - using silver iodide to cause rain, and probability theory to bring good fortune.
Actually, the ironic thing is that science began as just the record of what spells work when tested. Superstition failed, sympathetic magic failed and religion failed.
If science is sorcery, I stand on the side of the spontaneous-casting Charisma-based arcane casters, because magic.
Compared to them, you're all 1st level commoners who see leveling up as "evil".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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