Andy Schlafly #fundie
(A discussion about "Hollywood Values")
Andy: I've never seen a movie "demonize" drug use. Every movie I've seen that has drug use portrays it as something "cool" people do. As to your support of decriminalizing drugs, well ... that serves to prove my point. A big fan of Hollywood types yourself?
BenHur: *Huge list of movies where drugs ruin lives, cause people to die, and are generally portrayed as bad*
Andy: Liberals think they can fool people by citing unusual examples to deny a correlation. It's indisputable that Hollywood values are highly correlated with drug use, and that movie portrayals of drug use range from something that cool people do to something that is funny. Can anyone think of a movie that presented a sympathetic figure who was then senselessly murdered or seriously harmed by someone hooked on drugs? I can't. Hollywood is in denial about the harm caused by drugs, often to innocent third parties.
(Emphasis added.)