Why is it that all the third world sh*tholes are populated by dark-skinned people while all the best, 1st world countries are populated by light-skinned people? Prof. Lynn's 'IQ & the wealth of nations' found there's a correlation between skin color & IQ, wealth, beauty, etc...
The Bhagavad Gita states, 'Only demonic [degenerate] souls are born into non-aryan bodies!" Also, "Outer is a reflection of inner" (i.e. if you're ugly on the outside its because you're ugly on the inside)..."Everybody is born into the body they deserve" (based on karma).
The ancient Aryans had a caste system - caste literally means 'color' -- restricting the top positions in society to light-skinned people only & the shittiest jobs to the darkest.
The Theosophists believe the negro race was created as punishment for many generations of degenerate behavior such as sodomy & bestiality. Makes sense to me!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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