Let's look at a dictionary definition of the word "rape," shall we?
rape /re?p/ noun, verb,raped, rap·ing.
1.the unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
3.statutory rape.
4.an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
5.Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.
Notice that I put #2 in all caps. Why? Look carefully at what #2 says. Notice that, unlike #1, #2 does not specify who the victim is. It does not say, "Any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a woman." It does not say, "Any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon an adult."
It says "any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a PERSON." A PERSON. Meaning, a woman OR a man. An adult OR a child.
And now look closely at #3. Statutory rape. You know, when an adult rapes a CHILD. A child of either gender, male or female. So, yes, if a grown woman has sex with a little boy, it's RAPE.
Are you seriously saying that if your (hypothetical or real) son was raped by a woman, was molested by her, that you wouldn't be upset at all? You wouldn't call that woman a rapist? You'd just shrug and say, "Oh, yeah, my little boy really wanted it and if I protest, then I'd just contribute to the power structure." REALLY?
Earth to Margaret, rape is rape, no matter who the victim is. If a person (male, female, old, young, gay, straight, bisexual, etc.) does not want to sleep with another person, does not fully understand what sex is, is not in his/her right mind, and/or is not physically and/or emotionally ready to have sex, and yet another person sleeps with him/her anyway, IT'S RAPE.