Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Official Mandela Effect Think Tank. Code Potentially Cracked?
This thread is not for arguments about spelling, "official" histories, geography, etc.
This thread is for the others.
Disclaimer: Pardon my language in this post. I lack the vocabulary in this reality to perfectly describe a phenomenon that is reality bending. My descriptive words may be off, but bear with me, and each other, as we properly decode these events once and for all.
An older thread that truly got the ball rolling on this phenomenon is here:
Thread: Anyone remember the Berenstein Bears? Proof of PARALLEL UNIVERSE???
One of the best threads ever on glp, in my opinion.
This situation has now progressed in a major way.
Here are some more recent threads:
Thread: "Mandela Effect"
Thread: Mandela Effect Has Now Reached The Bible. Seriously.
Update: Since the start of this think tank, this phenomenon has grown to the point where there are now threads about the galaxy itself being changed for us!
Many argue that it's always been BerenstAin, or that current geography/history has ALWAYS been fact. They are right, as they've always been in this reality/timeline/whatever this simulation frequency could be called. That's the way things have always been here.
I'll get the ball rolling with 3 theories:
Theory #1:
Unintenional side effects from cern or time travel. This one isn't ringing a bell with me intuitively, but it is the most practical of the three.
Theory #2:
Gaslighting. TPTB using cern or time travel to gaslight us. Remember, gaslighting is a textbook behavior of ALL psychopaths that breaks down the sense of reality in their victims. Tptb basically raising the bar here and gaslighting the world with hidden technology. Clearly then they are far along in their work towards full and total domination of the psyche of every man, woman, child, and all their damn transgenders they won't shut up about.
Theory #3:
Some of us have experienced some sort of "quantum jump" or something from similar realities where some things were definitely different. Where we came from, the evil queen in Snow White said: "Mirror Mirror on the Wall", not "Magic Mirror on the Wall". That is why we cannot find an old original version matching what we remember; the "original" version is different here.
And some of us bought "Bragg's" apple cider vinegar for many years, yet find that here.... it has always been simply "Bragg".
Quantum Physicists discovered that every atom, and therefore every cell in your brain/body, flashes in and out of existence here. We are bouncing back and forth between what our five senses (or more) are aware of here, and a quantum field that we all interact with, yet don't have conscious awareness of.
We are now seeing evidence that when we bounce back from the quantum field, we don't always bounce back to the same reality. The timeline/universe/what-have-you where we are discussing this now has some natives, and some from different timelines or parallel universes.
Now, there were a lot of 2012tards here. Remember talk about the shift, where some ascend? Bear with me...(pun intended)..........
Most of us, it seems, get a spooky or somewhat negative feeling about these changes. The natives to this timeline seem mind-controlled to the max, even some folks that we really like. And indeed, there is a literal frequency matrix here with the cell towers, wifi, etc that to some degree effects us as well. However, we remember other places, similar yet different. It is the Awakening-- we are in the shift . We entered a paralell universe and we are ascending. The evidence we're seeing with these mandela effects is a result of our be awakened to the process of said shift.
Imagine that as we bounce back and forth from the quantum field to our lives that we are consciously aware of, there is a gradient of frequencies. There are natives to every frequency, but also a breakaway sect that is bouncing gradually up along the scale of frequencies. The others that do not see what we see are meant to be in this universe to work things out and experience the "end of the world" scenario. You create your own reality as you become aware that your own mind is interacting with this quantum field to change the process itself. Remember that as a totem to continually RE-analyze your timeline and run tests on consciously choosing which frequency you are bouncing back to. We moved from other timelines/parallel universes to this one and it could be that the reason we are here is to witness this reality, learn from it, and move on and move on up to the next. And we've already been doing that, which is why the effects are picking up steam as we see more and more of the "changes" pop up. The others that are not moving to different timelines (such as the natives to your current timeline that you encounter) apparently plan to remain in their native timelines, as they have to learn from their frequency still. Do not fear the changes!!! Focus on positive lessons always moving up, and do not let the natives make you fear your own perceptions. They will only serve as negative being keeping you stuck here to experience the end of the world with them. Some of us are headed elsewhere.
It could explain why folks like Alex Jones are allowed to carry on here. Taking his word for everything could keep you stuck in the nuclear war, fema camp timeline. That doesn't mean you have to avoid him completely if you don't want to; It just means you have to consciously not allow yourself to get stuck in his reality while listening.
This could also explain why ancient cultures passed down history with rock carvings and relaying information orally. Indeed, tptb have squandered and wiped out much of that information, and right now many of us are finding that our memories of the past are more solid than what we're being told. Our old Berenstein bears books have changed, but our memories and conversations haven't.
Let's maintain an open-minded discussion sharing our journeys here. Natives wanting to hold us back will be banned as I do my best to keep this thread moderated. This thread is for all the quantum jumpers looking to explore these shifts for the sake of enlightening ourselves and each other to what may very well be the awakening of humankind to the true nature of this simulation.**
I'm no longer moderating this thread, as I'm leaving glp.
**Footnote: These are just the theories that resonate most with me. I'm open to hearing as many different theories as the others may have.