Abortion is against God's plan for each of us. What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease or to be the one that leads this country back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon. The Bible is God's word for us and He says that He knows us before we are formed and he formed us in our mother's womb. Conception is not an accident we know that when a man and woman comes to together sometimes a child is conceived but only if God allows it to happen. God holds the keys to life and death and there is only one true God. All the other religions put their faith in a dead prophet but my Redeemer lives and walks with me each and every day. I pray for everyone who does not know him and if you have any questions about my Lord I will be glad to try to answer them. I the mean time I do not intend to try to offend anyone by my position on this subject I am just letting you know what is on my heart. God Bless each of you and may God live in your heart.
What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease or to be the one that leads this country back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon.
Well in that case it's just more proof that your God is an incompetent ass, he's supposed to be all-knowing isn't he ?? e.g. .... utter fail.
Except the Bible says absolutely nothing about abortion, and curiously enough mentions the ripping open of pregnant women.
Your god doesn't sound very pro-life to me.
Abortion is against God's plan for each of us.
Can I get a copy of this plan? You seems to have in depth knowledge about it.
Have you ever considered that the abortion is part of your gods plan? How do you know?
If abortion is against god's plan, how can it happen?
That's some omnipotence he's got there, I tell you what.
Abortion is against God's plan for each of us.
Well, not anyone reading this. How do you know what god's plan is? I thought that the deal was that 'the lord works in mysterious ways'?
What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease or to be the one that leads this country back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon.
Wouldn't that be god's fault?
I pray for everyone who does not know him
A very casual reading of the news indicates that this 'praying' shit isn't helping.
God must be one impotent whiny retard if he can't stop his creation from doing something that is totally against his plan.
"Conception is not an accident we know that when a man and woman comes to together sometimes a child is conceived but only if God allows it to happen."
So, condoms etc are evil? We shouldn't wear condoms?! Does God throw a bitch fit whenever two people practice safe sex?
What about all the babies that are born into abusive homes, or babies born due to rape or crack babies?
Err... if almighty, ultra powerfull God intends for a child to be born and actually has big plans for this kid, no mortal would be able to stop those plans from happening. Even if we presume that the blob of cells is a human being (big IF!), by your logic the God intended it to die from abortion. Your book, not mine.
"Abortion is against God's plan for each of us" No one is forcing you to have an abortion. If you don't like it or agree with it, then don't do it.
"What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease" By that logic, we have to consider that he might be the next Hitler (unintentional Godwin), or Stalin, or Lenin, or Pol Pot, or Napoleon, or...Mohammed, or Nero.
"this country back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon" Historical and philosophical fail.
"All the other religions put their faith in a dead prophet" Says who? Buddhists believe Siddhartha Gautama is still alive in a sense, and Taoists continued to see Lao-Tzu in the Wu Tang mountains for 500 years after his death.
"but my Redeemer lives and walks with me each and every day" Are you two part of one of those groups of old people that go walking around their local mall every day at an ungodly hour to be up?
If he holds the keys to death, then how is it we can abort the kid he created to cure cancer so easily? He sounds like a pussy to me.
"Does God throw a bitch fit whenever two people practice safe sex?" Haha, this gave me a great mental image of God having a bitch fit 24/7.
I thought your god was all knowing? Why then would he go out of his way to create something which will grow up to cure diseases when he knows it will be aborted? He should just shift his focus to ones he know will be born and make the aborted ones useless.
Also, how do you know that a teenager father or mother that are forced to be strapped down with a kid wouldn't have gone on to do any of those things if only they got an abortion and were able to therefore focus on their education. That's the thing, assuming any of this nonsense is true, you can't know. But since your god is all knowing/all powerful and has a plan, don't worry, because abortion or no abortion there should be nothing we mortals can do to interefere with his will.
so fertility treatment is also against 'god's plan'?
rapists whose victims conceive are just doing 'god's work'?
i fail to see any reason here to buy your shit.
@Doctor Whom: I just read that. My favourite quote is: "So don’t worry about global warming, since the Bible proves that no such thing is happening. Instead, you should worry about something that will actually affect your life, like gay marriage."
"What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease or to be the one that leads this country back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon."
Then he wouldn't have let that child be aborted.
I mean, considering these people always say God is all-powerful, they sure do think he's stupid and impotent an awful lot.
If the liberals aren't supposed to be running the country right now then God sure is a screw-up.
Tell you what, if your god is so compassionate and loving, why did he create cancer, diabetes, and heart disease in the first place--and if by some stretch of your fundy apologetics you can come up with a reason, reconcile that reason with why he'd ever allow one of us to find a cure. The stupid must really burn in you.
Abortion is against God's plan for each of us.
I guess god doesn't have any plans for miscarriages, so he aborts them gratuitously.
Yay god. Nice guy.
Anyone who leads this country "back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon" will make it HARDER to find a cure for cancer.
Stem cell research, anyone?
"What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease or to be the one that leads this country back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon."
What if what? Are you just going to keep forcing women to give birth until you get your next messiah? Shoot for the stars, bucko, shoot for it until you get that one special snowflake child who is Jesus, Mandela and Einstein all wrapped in one. You've got a one in six billion chance. The rest, and the women, can go to hell.
Egad, pro-lifers are stupid.
He says that He knows us before we are formed and he formed us in our mother's womb.
He also says we don't count unless we are a male over a month old. And that if you cause a woman to lose a child, you have to pay a fine to the husband. Doesn't say anything about abortion being a sin.
What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease
WHOA! I thought god hates science.
God is the greatest abortionist of all, miscarrige falls under the definition of an abortion.
If God causes miscarriges, he causes an abortion
doesn't sound pro-life at all
@tracer: That's exactly what I was thinking. This person rants about the aborted baby possibly growing up to cure diseases, yet neglects to mention that stem cell research, which fundies oppose with a vengeance, is intended to cure such diseases. Contradiction, much?
"What if the child being aborted is the one that God created to find the cure for cancer, or diabetes, heart disease or to be the one that leads this country back to the christian foundation that it was founded upon."
Ooooh. Three out of four. Sooo close.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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